What do we know about quantum physics?
(for gammel til at besvare)
2020-05-11 00:20:03 UTC
THEORETICAL Quantum Physicist Dr. Amit Goswami admitted today that he,
and his peers, have absolutely ‘no fucking idea’ what they’re doing,
and claims they were no nearer than prehistoric man to figuring out
the Universe.

“We have been just winging it to tell you the truth,” explained the
78-year-old in an exclusive interview with WWN. “Seriously, I haven’t
a clue what’s going on. Either does anyone else in my field. We keep
proving stuff that never actually happened”.

“Our cover is blown, what can I say ? He added.

Dr. Goswami’s comments came after yet another alleged breakthrough in
quantum mechanics which claims the universe has existed forever, as
opposed to being created by a ‘big bang’.

“Over the years there have been just a handful of us pretending to
know something about the universe that no one else does,” he went on.
“But this is all lies to feed the charade. I’ve had some great times
during the years ; travelling the world, and giving talks on our
pretend finds”.

When asked how he got away with it for so long, he replied : “I found
out a long time ago that everything can be proven with a mathematical
equation. Now, I mean everything ; from unicorns, fire-breathing
dragons, God and even the G-spot. None of it is true. Me and the
handful that know the truth have been riding the Quantum Physicist
celebrity wave for quite some time now, but it must end – before
someone gets hurt”.

The University of Oregon professor warned that the European
Organisation for Nuclear Research, known as CERN, could potentially
wipe out the entire planet if the project is not put to a halt.

“Seriously, when myself, Higgs and Ben (Benjamin Lockspeiser CERN’s
first president) first pitched the idea, we never thought it would get
funding. It was gonna cost billions for Christs sake,” he recalled.
“Fuck knows what the thing does – no one does. Firing particles at
each other at the speed of light can’t end well. I’m just worried now
we took the joke too far”.

Ending the interview, professor Goswami apologised for “spoofing”
everybody over the years.

“I’m coming near the end of my days now and I just want to get this
off my chest,” he said. “I just hope the world can forgive us”.
2020-05-13 01:02:34 UTC
The knowledge we recieve, from whatever source, is filtered through
the mind. So it's a question of purifying the mind. In your case that
means purifying your mind from all the snot values and conceptions
that has been imprinted in your mind during your upbringing.

Just as physical objects are cleansed with water, you cleanse psychic
or mental objects with sound. The highest cleansing power is the sound
of God's name.

That which covers us and keeps us from realizing our real selves, is
our mind. The mind consists of thoughts, feelings, willpower,
discrimination (intelligence) and false ego. Those are like screens
that cover the pure consciousness of the self.

We are all eternal souls - minute particles of Krishna's
consciousness. Krishna's consciousness consists of eternity,
knowledge, and bliss, so we are minute particles of eternity,
knowledge and bliss, But these minute particles of pure consciousness
are at the moment covered by physical and mental layers in the form of
the body and mind.

All souls, regardless of what kind of body they inhabit - plants,
insects, fish, reptiles, birds, animals, or humans - are minute
particles of eternity, knowledge, and bliss. That's why all living
entities always gravitate towards these three conditions - eternity,
knowledge, and bliss. All living entities are pleasure seeking, they
try to develop knowledge, and they don't want to die, they possess the
survival instinct.

The sound of Krishna's name will purify the filter of the mind, so
that we can connect to our real selves. That means that by chanting
Krishna's name we will experience higher forms of knowledge and bliss.
That is a testable prediction that can be investigated scientifically.

This is not some belief. If it is a scientific process as asserted by
Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita, it will work whatever is our belief.

It doesn't matter whether you are an Atheist, Buddhist, Hindu,
Christian, Mohammedan, Republican or whatever, if you chant the Hare
Krishna mantra on a regular basis, you will connect to your real self
beyond your thoughts, feelings and false ego, and when you contact
your real self, it will be experienced as knowledge and bliss.

The wonderful thing about this religion, the Vaishnava religion, is
that you do not have to become a Hare Krishna and shave your head,
dress in sheets, and go out on the streets dancing and singing. You
can sit right in your own living room and test it.

Just try to chant the following mantra -

hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare

... say, 10 minutes a day for a week and see where it takes you.

That's BRAINWASHING, I hear someone yell :)

That's right. Our mind is unclean. Our mind has been polluted by
immpure impressions accumulated throughout so many lives. It needs to
be washed. And you wash the mind by the sound of God's name.

hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare

The above mantra consisting of 16 words and 32 syllables, is the only
means by which to protect against the evil influence of this age of
Kali. By researching all the Vedas, one will find no more sublime
process of religion than to recite the Hare Krishna mantra.

(Kali-santarana Upanishad)
