Can animals reincarnate as humans?
(for gammel til at besvare)
for 4 år siden
When the soul attains the human life-form, after evolving its
consciousness through the 8,400,000 species, it arrives at a chance to
finally understand the Absolute Truth. If a soul neglects this unique
opportunity to connect with God, it’s a signal to nature that this
soul doesn’t need to be human.

Eating, sleeping, mating, and defending the soul can do in any
life-form, the human life is meant exclusively for one thing -
self-realization. If a human neglects that opportunity, the soul will
be thrown back into yet another cycle in the lower species.

So there are three species that act as gateways back down into the
lower species - dog, crow and turtle. This means that whenever we see
a dog, a crow, or a turtle, they were humans in their last life.

Similarly, there are also three species that act as gateways back into
the human life-forms - tiger, cow, and monkey. So every time we see a
tiger, a monkey or a cow, we should know that they will become humans
in their next birth.

"One attains the human form of life after transmigrating through
8,400,000 species by the process of gradual evolution. That human life
is spoiled for those conceited fools who do not take shelter of the
lotus feet of Govinda."

--Brahma-vaivarta Purana
for 4 år siden
Of course they can ...
You are living proof.

for 4 år siden
Post by EXLEX
Of course they can ...
Ah is are living proof.
According to your own idiotic idea you were a monkey :D

Mennesket besidder fri vilje, men det er med modificationer. Yderst
set har vi kun to valg - enten at underlægge os en højere universel
magt, Gud, eller at forkaste den og leve som vi vil. Hvis man vælger
at forkaste Krishna, vil man blive underlagt den materielle naturs tre

Hvis man overgiver sig til Krishna, vil man bliver underlagt Hans
åndelige energi, der evig, fuld af viden og lyksalighed. I kontrast
hertil er den materielle verden fuld af midlertidighed, uvidenhed og
lidelse. Hvis man bruger sin fri vilje til at fjerne sig fra Krishna,
underkaster man sig den materielle verdens midlertidighed, uvidenhed
og smerte. Til gengæld får vi en krop, hvori vi kan opleve

Alle arter i den materielle verden oplever sansenydelse. Mennesker har
sex, en hund har sex. I princippet er der ingen forskel. Men det er
kun i den menneskelige livsform, at bevidstheden kan forstå den
absolutte sandhed.

Når sjælen befinder sig i en materiel krop er den underlagt karma og
reinkarnation. Karma og reinkarnation eksisterer side om side med fri
vilje. Des dårligere karma, jo mindre fri vilje, og des bedre karma vi
har, jo flere valgmuligheder har vi. Vi har altid fri vilje til at
udføre en given handling, men når den en gang er udført bliver vi
bundet til resultatet. Hvis vi udfører dårlige handlinger, dvs.
handlinger der skader andre levende væsener, får vi dårligt karma, og
hvis vi udfører handlinger der gavner andre levende væsener, får vi
godt karma. God karma betyder masser af sansenydelse, og dårlig karma
betyder mindre sansenydelse og lidelse.

De handlinger, vi udfører lige nu, vil bestemme vores fremtidige lykke
og lidelse, og den lykke og lidelse, vi oplever lige nu, er et
resultat af vore tidligere handlinger. På den måde eksisterer fri
vilje og skæbne side om side. I den den vediske version skaber man sin
egen skæbne gennem de handlinger og den mentalitet man kultiverer.

Krishna siger:

Man er nødt til at udføre sine handlinger som en ofring til Vishnu,
ellers vil disse handlinger forårsage trældom i denne materielle
verden. Udfør derfor dine foreskrevne pligter for at behage Ham,O
Kuntis søn, for på den måde kan du altid forblive fri for trældom. (Bg
for 4 år siden
Post by Jahnu
Post by EXLEX
Of course they can ...
Ah is are living proof.
According to your own idiotic idea you were a monkey :D
Yeah... but clearly I evolved....

Whereas you seem to be stuck inthe parrot routine, repeating the same
stuff over and over..

for 4 år siden
Post by EXLEX
Yeah... but clearly I evolved....
"Both animals and men share the activities of eating, sleeping, mating
and defending. But the special property of the humans is that they are
able to engage in spiritual life. Therefore without spiritual life,
humans are on the level of animals." --Hitopadesa
Post by EXLEX
Whereas you seem to be stuck inthe parrot routine, repeating the same
stuff over and over..
Whoever takes up the challenge needs to be endowed with considerably
more charisma than our good friend Richard. Atheism really doesn't
have many selling points. It's hard to think of any cause that is more
vacuous than a call to atheism. Dawkins may have been able to make
some money from it, but the price he has paid is to reduce his
standing to that of a bumbling twit among theologians, philosophers,
scholars, and academics.

Atheism offers the excitement of not collecting stamps; it's as
entertaining as a switched off tv; has all the style of baldness; the
morality of a dead snake; as much purpose as evolution; the predictive
power of tea leaves; the hierarchy of anarchists; as much substance as
a hole in water; the explanatory power of tautologies; less unity than
religious sects; as much promise of reward as a cancelled cheque, What
benefit, quality or incentive does atheism offer over theism?

Seems to me it offers nothing more than revenue for advertising
websites where loquacious atheists can hang out, reassure themselves
they are smart and (more importantly), right, and of course one of the
defining characteristics of noisy new atheists, they can whine, bitch,
moan and criticise religions and theists.

Is it any wonder that the call to militant atheism by someone with the
charisma of Richard Dawkins is foundering, and disliked by the many
atheists who prefer quietly to go about their business without
attracting attention, and don't feel impelled to criticise all
religions and their followers without bothering to learn about them.
New atheism is a cul de sac that some people have run into to escape
religion. It leads nowhere and offers nothing except escape from a
religion you don't agree with. It's not something you can discuss or
write a book about, it represents a hole, a lack of something, it is
defined by what remains like a hole in your shirt. Atheism is the bit
of shirt that is missing.

Because few people like to continually acknowledge their
insignificance, some atheists have so little going for them in their
life, that their atheism is a key component of their existence so they
make a lot of noise about it. But the joke is on them, because they
are presenting something for which there is no credible evidence
according to their own terms and conditions.