How are all probles of the mind illusory?
(for gammel til at besvare)
2020-08-01 01:32:04 UTC
In Bhagavad Gita, Krishna states that the mind is one His eight
separated, material elements. Because of being temporary, rather than
eternal, the material world is in the category of illusion, or
unreality. Thus, any problems in the mind are illusory. Even though
the problems of the mind are illusory, still, these problems will
cause suffering.

The main problem of the mind is a lack of spiritual understanding. As
long as the mind identifies with the body and its culture, there are
going to be problems.

All suffering is a result of ignorance of one’s real self. Actually,
for the soul there is no suffering, only the body and mind suffer.

When one becomes aware of one’s real self and its relation to God, all
suffering will vanish, for all suffering stem from the body and mind.
The body and the mind are like a vehicle for the soul. Even though the
suffering is illusory, because of attachment to the body and mind, the
soul experiences suffering.

Krishna says:

A man must elevate himself by his own mind, not degrade himself. The
mind is the friend of the conditioned soul, and his enemy as well. —Bg

For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends;
but for one who has failed to do so, his very mind will be the
greatest enemy. —Bg 6.6
2020-08-01 06:12:08 UTC
An easy stance, when you believe your mind to be an illusion.

2020-08-02 00:13:14 UTC
Post by EXLEX
An easy stance, when you believe your mind to be an illusion.
Just like water and oil cannot be combined, there is no combination of
the mind and soul. The soul is asango hy ayam purusah - never in
contact with matter. Rather, the soul observes the world through the
mind. It's like observing something through colored glasses. The
picture gets distorted. The mind works like a filter for the soul.
It's like a computer. The body is like the hardware, the mind is like
the software, and the self (or the soul) is the user. The mind is like
a soft-ware to be used by the soul to interact with material nature.
The more the mind is contaminated by materialism, the more the soul
will have a distorted picture of the world. And the more the mind is
purified by spiritual practice, the more the soul will be in touch
with reality.

In the present age of Kali, people are unhappy and frustrated because
they have created a mechanistic, impersonal conception of nature.
People are not in touch with themselves as souls, they only know
themselves as their body and mind.

Krishna says:

One who is not connected with the Supreme [in Krishna consciousness]
can have neither transcendental intelligence nor a steady mind,
without which there is no possibility of peace. And how can there be
any happiness without peace? (Bg. 2.66)

According to the Vedic Version it is our collective psyche that forms
the material world. By using one's mind according to the directions of
God, like they are given in Bhagavad Gita, one can create optimal
living conditions in the world for oneself as well as for everyone
else. This is done by understanding that nature is a living organism.
In stead, we have created a civilization where nature is regarded as
dead matter, Rather than a personality, nature is regarded as a

The main problem in the world today is a general lack of

And the only solution to this proble is to introduce a process that
will revive the consciousness to its original state of

In the present age of darkness this is done by chanting the Hare
Krishna mantra.

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare
Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare

"This mantra, consisting of 16 words and 32 syllables, is the only
means against evil in the age of Kali. After searching through all the
Vedic literature, one cannot find a method of religion more sublime
for this age than the chanting of Hare Krishna."

--- Kali-santarana Upanishad
2020-08-02 22:05:30 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Post by EXLEX
An easy stance, when you believe your mind to be an illusion.
Just like water and oil cannot be combined, there is no combination of
the mind and soul.
So is your mind water or oil?

2020-08-02 23:19:30 UTC
Post by EXLEX
So is your mind water or oil?
Lyt til kødtumben - selvom han intet fonuftigt har at sige, så kan han
bare ikke holde sin kødkæft lukket hahaha :D

Hey Kødtumbe, er der aldrig nogen, der har fortalt dig, at det er
kotume at holde kæft, når dine overordnede taler?

Gudskelovogtak for at du skal ti at bære mundbind nu, så den rådne
stank af de lig du sætter til liv, som oser ud fra hver eneste pore i
din krop, bliver maskeret til en hvis grad. Du stinker stadig af lort,
men i det mindste bliver man ikke slået bagover, når du åbner

The path of the classical yoga system described in the Vedic tradition
is long and severe. This system is called astanga yoga, or the
eightfold yoga system, and was conceived by the ancient sage,

It is a scientific, psychic method to gradually raise the
consciousness to higher levels of awareness, culminating in Samadhi,
which is the stage where the self, realizing its own true nature,
leaves its mortal shell and enters its liberated state.

The eight progressive steps of the astanga yoga system are called
yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, and
samadhi, and in the following I will loosely describe each one, and
then contrast it to bhakti-yoga.

The first two principles, yama and niyama, are the do’s and the
don’ts, and they are applicable not only in yoga but in all conditions
of life, for regardless of whether one aims at success in material or
spiritual life the key-word is renunciation. No one can have their
wishes fulfilled or reach their life’s goal without being to some
degree renounced.

Our practical lives confirm this. I remember as a child I had a friend
who would save up his pocket money. Instead of spending it all on
sweets and cinema trips, like the rest of us would invariably do, he
would hold back and eventually had saved up enough money to buy a
stereo equipment.

I was most impressed by this. As far as I was concerned it was an
almost unfathomable feat, because I could never save my money. I
always spent everything I had at once.

Later in life this same friend went on to make a successful career and
become a doctor. While his friends were out partying and having fun,
he would remain at home to study and prepare for exams. I realized
then, that if one wants to obtain success in the long run, he will
have to renounce many short-term pleasures.

To work towards a better position in adult life one has to forego many
of the immediate pleasures one is often pushed to pursue in youthful
life. In other words, one has to be renounced. One has to be able to
control one’s senses. Without sense control there is no possibility of
success neither in material nor spiritual life.

To control the senses is the preliminary aim of any genuine yoga
system, and in astanga yoga this is accomplished in a very diligent
and systematic way. Yama, the first step, refers to the things one
should avoid that would hinder attainment of the goal.

Niyama, the second step, refers to the beneficial undertakings one has
to undergo to reach the higher goal, Niyama, which constitutes the
positive things to be done like daily meditations, rituals, and
exercise, contributes to attaining the ultimate goal of yoga, which is
union with the Supreme.

And yama is the things one must avoid as unbeneficial for one’s
advancement on the path of yoga. Illicit sex, TV, movies,
intoxication, and certain foodstuffs like meat, fish and eggs, pollute
the consciousness and distract the attention away from the self and
places it instead on the bodily demands and other externals.

One of the crucial things that a yogi must avoid at all costs in
astanga yoga is sex. It is not possible to advance in this system
unless one practices complete abstinence.

In ordinary mundane life pleasures are mostly pursued outside of
ourselves. We search for happiness in the body or mind by connecting
the senses with objects outside of ourselves like things or other
bodies, or we seek mental gratification in the form of name, fame,
distinction, and power.

The astanga yoga system, however, gives entrance to the deeper
pleasures that lies within the soul. But before one can access this
hidden pleasure one has to restrain the senses from their engagement
in the external world.

In other words, in the yoga system, the happiness sought after is not
the happiness that arises from sense gratification. Sense
gratification is not considered genuine happiness, because it
invariably leads to suffering.

Krishna says:

“An intelligent person does not take part in the sources of misery,
which are due to contact with the material senses. O son of Kunti,
such pleasures have a beginning and an end, and so the wise man does
not delight in them.” (Bg 5.22)

This brings us to the next and third step – asana, also known to most
westerners as Hatha-yoga. This is the discipline that prepares the
body to remain in different postures for long periods of time. The
side-effects of this discipline is a healthy and a slim body, but the
real purpose is to gradually train up the body to enable it to remain
in the same position for hours or days and eventually even months and

Before one can sit in the lotus position for hours and days without
shifting and being uncomfortable, there is for instance no possibility
of a successful rising of the kundalini. The concept of kundalini we
will come back to later, as it is an integral part of the astanga yoga

After the yogi has trained the body to master the asanas or the
hatha-yoga system, which will take years and years of practice, he
will begin to work on his breathing. This next step is called

The aim of pranayama is, simply speaking, to gradually lower the
breathing cycle. It is said in the Vedic tradition that the life span
of all living entities is measured out in number of breaths.

By lowering the breathing cycle the yogi can, according to how
accomplished he becomes in this discipline, prolong his life span
significantly with years or even decades or centuries. This is
necessary as it takes a long time to become adept in the different
disciplines of the astanga yoga system.

There is a story in the Srimad Bhagavatam of a kshatriya prince named
Dhruva Maharaja who went to the forest and took to this practice in
order to meet Vishnu. He was practicing yoga very determinedly
minimizing his food intake, so that at one point he was eating only

Then he was standing on one leg and practicing pranayama, gradually
lowering his breathing cycle to the point of inhaling and exhaling
only once in 6 months.

To ordinary folks this may seem fantastic, but considering that
Maha-Vishnu is breathing in and out once, as He is exhaling and then
inhaling all the universes, over a period of 311.04 trillion years
(which is the total lifespan of the universe), it is an insignificant
span of time. As always Krishna reigns supreme and shows the way, even
in pranayama.

If a yogi should ever become proud of his ability to maintain his
breathing cycle at extremely long spans of time, he may refer to
Maha-vishnu’s breathing cycle of 311.04 trillion years, and have his
pride curbed.

The aim of pranayama, however, is not to prolong one’s lifespan. The
real aim is to be able to sit in trance and meditate, first on the
life airs and chakras, then on the inner self and finally on the
Supersoul within the heart. By gradually extending the breathing cycle
one can subdue the actions of the body and mind.

When the mind becomes still one can turn it from being engaged in the
external world to being focused within. We all know the expression,
take a deep breath, to calm the mind. It actually works.

After the yogi has mastered his breathing by being able to offer the
outgoing breath into the incoming, he is ready to proceed to the next
step in the astanga yoga process called pratyahara – the stage where
the senses are being withdrawn from all external engagements.

What happens at that point is that the awareness of the self, who is
usually observing the physical world through the senses, is being
diverted to the inner world of the mind. The senses which are absorbed
in the objects and relationships of the physical world are being
forced to retract and instead focus on the inner, psychic world.

The world of the mind is very fine and subtle. Some people call it the
astral plane. In pratyahara the consciousness of the self goes from
being absorbed in the external physical plane to being absorbed in the
internal psychic plane. Transcendental to or above both these planes
is the plane of pure consciousness, and it is towards that the yogi is

Through further hard practice, when the yogi is able to maintain the
focus of his consciousness on the inner world of the mind, he
progresses to the state of dharana. This is the state where the senses
have been completely withdrawn from the physical world and is totally
fixed on the inner, subtle world of the mind. On this platform all
sensual engagements have ceased, and one is only perceiving the mind.

There is no more any sound, touch, form, taste or smell. Any awareness
of the external world has ceased to exist. When one can maintain this
state of inner focus it is called dharana. It is not until one reaches
the dharana state, ie. Is able to maintain complete inner focus and
has ceased all awareness of the external world, that dhyana, or
meditation arises.

In the modern world we use the word meditation cheaply to describe
almost any kind of mental state. Some people even think that to just
sit down and relax and let the mind wander is meditation, or if they
are a little more advanced they think that focusing on a flame or a
ring on the wall for five minutes is meditation, but we should note
that in the classical yoga system described in the Vedic tradition
meditation does not take place before one is able to completely cease
all external sensual engagements and focus the consciousness on the
self. Then and only then can one progress to the state of dhyana or

Now the yogi begins to meditate. It is then that he discovers his
soul. The soul is the real observer within, and now the soul finally
observes its own self as an illuminating particle of consciousness.

The yogi now understands that this is his real self, and further more,
besides himself situated in his heart, he sees the Supersoul, Sri
Krishna Who lives in the heart of all living entities. Sometimes due
to insufficient knowledge or pride the yogi will mistake the Supersoul
for his own self, thus thinking that he, the yogi, is the Supreme
self. If he makes that mistake he will not reach Vaikuntha but will go
no further than impersonal Brahman.

Thus when the yogi discovers God in his heart he can either maintain a
humble position and surrender to Him, or he can reach any goal he
desires within his mind up to liberation from the material world.

This is the final test of the yogi – he can either become a god, or
merge with Brahman, or he can become God’s servant. What ever he
chooses at that point he will attain. This state is called Samadhi,
the final goal of his meditation.

It is then the yogi is ready to leave his body. Some people call this
the rising of the kundalini. At this point the yogi with violent force
pushes his soul out through the top of his cranium, and whatever his
consciousness is fixed on at precisely that moment, that is where the
soul will go. The energy that is released at this point is so immense
that the body combusts into fire.

It is not until one has reached the state of Samadhi, in which the
consciosness is totally withdrawn from the external world, that one
can begin to raise the kundalini.

What happens is that the yogi pushes the life-airs up from the
mula-chakra, the lowest chakra, gradually up through the other chakras
of the body until it reaches the heart chakra.

Here the soul is picked up from its seat there and is pushed further
up to the top chakra at the top of ones head. This pushing of the
life-airs, the prana, up through the different chakras of the body is
what constitutes a kundalini rising.

As the kundalini is rising the pressure inside the body becomes so
great that the yogi now must use the asana and pranayama techniques he
practiced and learned at an earlier stage to block all holes in body
lest the soul should escape through any one of them. In the Vedas the
body has been called the city of nine gates.

There are nine holes in the body – anus, genital, two nostrils, two
ear holes, and two eyes. Already at the asana step the yogi learns to
block all these holes from within as he raises the kundalini.

As we can see, this type of yoga is very hard to practice in the
modern age. One can only imagine what could happen if this is
practiced in an apartment in the city. One might very well burn down
the whole apartment. Therefore the yogis of yore would go to the
forest to practice astanga yoga and leave their bodies.

We learn from the Srimad Bhagavatam that when King Dhritarastha went
to the forest to leave his body in this way, he started a whole forest
fire. It was into this fire that his wife Gandhari and the mother of
the Pandavas, queen Kunti, entered together to gain release from their
mortal bodies.

Contrary to this severe practice, which is not recommended for the
people of Kali-yuga, we find the simple sublime method of chanting the
Hare Krishna maha mantra, which will yield exactly the same if not
greater results, and which can be practiced anywhere, even in an
apartment down town.

In fact, a person can benefit more from chanting the holy names of the
Lord sitting in an inner city apartment than he can gain from sitting
in the Himalayas practicing astanga yoga for 100.000 years, which was
the general lifespan of people in satya-yuga, when this practice was
the norm.

Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita that all results that can be
obtained from practicing any kind of yoga or dharma automatically
befall one who practices bhakti-yoga.

Krishna says:

"A person who accepts the path of devotional service is not bereft of
the results derived from studying the Vedas, performing sacrifices,
undergoing austerities, giving charity or pursuing philosophical and
fruitive activities. Simply by performing devotional service, he
attains all these, and at the end he reaches the supreme eternal
abode." (Bg 8.28)

It is further stated in the Srimad Bhagavatam that the results of the
astanga yoga process practiced millions of years ago in satya-yuga can
very easily be obtained in this present age of Kali simply by chanting
the hole names of Krishna:

"Whatever result was obtained in Satya-yuga by meditating on Visnu, in
Treta-yuga by performing sacrifices, and in Dvapara-yuga by serving
the Lord's lotus feet can be obtained in Kali-yuga simply by chanting
the Hare Krsna maha-mantra." (SB 12.3.52)

In this present age of Kali people are simply too disturbed to sit
down and practice the ancient yoga system. Maybe a few yogis can still
go into the Himalyas and sit in seclusion in a mountain cave and
practice this system, but for the people in general it is not
possible, nor are there any qualified teachers who can guide a serious
student in this yoga process.

The fundamental difference between the astanga yoga system and the
bhakti-yoga system is that in the first, the yogi is trying to elevate
himself by his own mental and intellectual endeavors. In bhakti-yoga
we ask Krishna to pick us up and carry us back to Him.

Srila Prabhupada has likened it to the cat and monkey. The baby monkey
holds on to its mother by its own strength. When the female monkey
jumps around from tree to tree it happens quite often that her baby
looses its grip and falls to the ground. The baby kitten, on the other
hand, is carried to safety by its mother, depending solely on her

In the same way, the bhakti-yogi depends solely on Krishna. He knows
very well he is powerless without the mercy of Krishna. The astanga
yogi is struggling to cross over the materiel ocean of suffering by
his own powers, and even then he is not guaranteed success. But
someone who surrenders to Krishna can very easily cross over

Krishna says:

"This divine energy of Mine, consisting of the three modes of material
nature, is difficult to overcome. But those who have surrendered unto
Me can easily cross beyond it." (Bg 7.14)

Krishna helps His devotee to reach the final goal, and that it
infinitely more easy and secure than manipulating the life airs and
chakras of the body to press out the soul of the top of the head at
the final moment.
2020-08-03 22:46:25 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Post by EXLEX
So is your mind water or oil?
Lyt til kødtumben - selvom han intet fonuftigt har at sige, så kan han
bare ikke holde sin kødkæft lukket hahaha :D
Rolig nu - jeg følger bare stilen, som du lægger ud med.
Desuden må mine kommentarer jo blive opfattet som tilpas vigtige, siden
du fortsat svarer på dem?
Post by Jahnu
Hey Kødtumbe, er der aldrig nogen, der har fortalt dig, at det er
kotume at holde kæft, når dine overordnede taler?
Hvis du virkelig er bekendt med denne regel, så undrer det mig at du
fortsat svarer igen?
Post by Jahnu
Gudskelovogtak for at du skal ti at bære mundbind nu, så den rådne
stank af de lig du sætter til liv, som oser ud fra hver eneste pore i
din krop, bliver maskeret til en hvis grad. Du stinker stadig af lort,
men i det mindste bliver man ikke slået bagover, når du åbner
Jeg er til stadighed imponeret over din lugtesans, som angiveligt
tillader dig at definere andre ud fra en tekst.
Men jeg er også lidt skræmt over de lidelser, du må være udsat for i

2020-08-05 05:33:44 UTC
blah blah
When the soul attains the human life-form, after evolving its
consciousness through the 8,400,000 species, it arrives at a chance to
finally understand the Absolute Truth. If a soul neglects this unique
opportunity to connect with God, it’s a signal to nature that this
soul doesn’t need to be human.

Eating, sleeping, mating, and defending the soul can do in any
life-form, the human life is meant exclusively for one thing -
self-realization. If a human neglects that opportunity, the soul will
be thrown back into yet another cycle in the lower species.

So there are three species that act as gateways back down into the
lower species - dog, crow and turtle. This means that whenever we see
a dog, a crow, or a turtle, they were humans in their last life.

Similarly, there are also three species that act as gateways back into
the human life-forms - tiger, cow, and monkey. So every time we see a
tiger, a monkey or a cow, we should know that they will be humans in
their next birth.

"One attains the human form of life after transmigrating through
8,400,000 species by the process of gradual evolution. That human life
is spoiled for those conceited fools who do not take shelter of the
lotus feet of Govinda."

--Brahma-vaivarta Purana
2020-08-05 14:08:06 UTC
blah blah
Ble ble..

2020-08-06 00:57:18 UTC
Post by EXLEX
Ble ble..
Går du med ble? :D

Krishna says:

Now hear, O son of Prtha, how by practicing yoga in full consciousness
of Me, with mind attached to Me, you can know Me in full, free from

I shall now declare unto you in full this knowledge, both phenomenal
and numinous. This being known, nothing further shall remain for you
to know.

Out of many thousands among men, one may endeavor for perfection, and
of those who have achieved perfection, hardly one knows Me in truth.

Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego --
all together these eight constitute My separated material energies.

Besides these, O mighty-armed Arjuna, there is another, superior
energy of Mine, which comprises the living entities who are exploiting
the resources of this material, inferior nature.

All created beings have their source in these two natures. Of all that
is material and all that is spiritual in this world, know for certain
that I am both the origin and the dissolution.

O conqueror of wealth, there is no truth superior to Me. Everything
rests upon Me, as pearls are strung on a thread.

--Bhagavad Gita 7.1-7
2020-08-06 05:32:07 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Post by EXLEX
Ble ble..
Går du med ble? :D
Det er jeg jo nødt til.
Ellers ville jeg pisse i bukserne af grin over dine "argumenter".

2020-08-06 07:28:16 UTC
Jeg elsker at pisse i bukserne over hvor grim og dum jeg er.
Virkelig? hahaha :D Det er ikke noget under du er sådan en kikset,
klam taber. Jeg ville satme også pisse på mig selv, hvis jeg var så
dum og grim som dig.

Here is the new and revised chart, comparing flesh-eaters to plant
eaters, as it appeared in Peter Cox's book, Why You Don't Need Meat,
from 1994. It is highly recommendable reading for those who care about
what they eat, and who care about the planet and its other


Hands / hoofs Claws as append- Hands as
as appendages ages appendages

Teeth flat Teeth sharp Teeth flat

Alkaline saliva; Acid saliva; no Alkaline saliva;
much ptyalin ptyalin enzyme much ptyalin
enzyme enzyme

Stomach acid 10 Much strong hydro- Stomach acid 10
times weaker chloride acid in times weaker than
than meat-eaters stomach meat-eaters

Long intestines Short intestines; Long intestines;
to digest nutrients rapidly excrete digest nutrients in
in plant foods fully putrefying flesh plant foods fully

Sweats to cool Pants to cool Sweats to cool
body body body

Sips water Laps water Sips water

Vitamin C obtained Vitamin C manu- Vitamin C obtained
solely from diet factured internally solely from diet

Exists largely on Consumes flesh Diet depends
fruit and nut diet; exclusively on environment

Grasping hands No manual dexte- Grasping hands
capable of using terity capable of using
tools and weapons tools and weapons

Inoffensive Putrid Offensiveness of
excrement excrement excrement depends on diet

Snack feeder Large meals infre- Combines worst of
frequently taken both worlds

Predominantly Preference for salty Likes both sweet and
sweet toothed / fatty food salty / fatty food

Likes to savor Bolts down Likes to savor food,
food, experiment food experiment with variety,
with variety, com- combine flavors
bine flavors

Large brains, able Small brains, less Large brains, able
to rationalize capable of adaptive to rationalize
2020-08-07 00:02:02 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Jeg elsker at pisse i bukserne over hvor grim og dum jeg er.
Virkelig? hahaha :D Det er ikke noget under du er sådan en kikset,
klam taber. Jeg ville satme også pisse på mig selv, hvis jeg var så
dum og grim som dig.
Skal jeg forstå dine manglende relevante argumenter som et udtryk for,
at du ikke har nogen?

2020-08-08 01:58:27 UTC
Post by EXLEX
Skal jeg forstå dine manglende relevante argumenter som et udtryk for,
at du ikke har nogen?
Slet ikke. Du skal forstå det som, at du er for snotdum til at fatte
hvad jeg snakker om.

Vedanta-sutra states - ananda-mayo 'bhyasat - the living entity is
pleasure seeking. Whatever people believe in, they are always after

Materialist know only bodily and mental enjoyment. The problems with
material enjoyment, though, is that it always ends and is replaced by

Actually, because we are spiritual beings, we hanker for eternal
pleasure. The constitution of the soul, as a particle of God, is
sat-chit-ananda. The soul is eternally happy and full of knowledge.
And therefore it is seen that all living entities in the material
world, whatever body the may inhabit, are always gravitating towards
the three - eternity, knowledge and bliss.

So regardless whether we are atheists, materialists, religious,
democrats, or whatever, we want to enjoy. The bad news for
materialists is that the enjoyment they get from the the body and mind
is the very cause of their suffering, for material enjoyment always
and without exception ends in lamentation.

Krishna says:

An intelligent person does not take part in the sources of misery,
which are due to contact with the material senses. O son of Kunti,
such pleasures have a beginning and an end, and so the wise man does
not delight in them. -Bg 5.22

Therefore, once the soul has finally arrived in a human body, after
countless of life-times in different lower species, enjoying eating,
sleeping, mating, and defending, it should wake up to it's original
position of eternal bliss.

The human life-form is a wake up call for the soul to get reinstated
in its natural position of eternity, knowledge, and bliss.

Vedanta-sutra states - athato brahma jijnasa - now the time has come
(meaning in this human life-form) to inquire into the absolute truth.
Only as souls in connection with the Supreme Soul - God - can we taste
the bliss for which we are always hankering, and which can never be
obtained as long as we identify with a material body.

The method to obtain spiritual bliss is by regularly chanting the holy
names of the Lord. ISKCON is the sankirtana movement brought to the
West by Srila Prabhupada, and which was begun by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
(who is God Himself), 500 years ago in Bengal. Sankirtana means the
congregational chanting of the holy names. It is the yuga-dharma -
religion of the age.

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu says:

Glory to the Sri Krishna sankirtana, which cleanses the heart of all
the dust accumulated for years and extinguishes the fire of
conditional life, of repeated birth and death. This sankirtana
movement is the prime benediction for humanity at large because it
spreads the rays of the benediction moon. It is the life of all
transcendental knowledge. It increases the ocean of transcendental
bliss, and it enables us to fully taste the nectar for which we are
always anxious. -Sri Sri Siksastakam 1
2020-08-08 07:58:10 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Post by EXLEX
Skal jeg forstå dine manglende relevante argumenter som et udtryk for,
at du ikke har nogen?
Slet ikke. Du skal forstå det som, at du er for snotdum til at fatte
hvad jeg snakker om.
Mere personfnidder...
Dette underbygger ikke din påstående evne til at kunne argumenterer for
dine synspunkter.
Tvært imod...
For havde du fornuftige argumenter, så ville du vel have bragt dem....

Men det kniber måske lidt med argumentationen?

2020-08-09 04:31:44 UTC
Post by EXLEX
Men det kniber måske lidt med argumentationen?
Argumentationen? Er det det du tror vi har her? En diskussion?

hahaha :D

Hvorfor skulle jeg spilde tid med at argumentere med en fladpande som
dig? Er du åndsvag? Jeg er kun for at sparke din røv i laser,
bondedreng. Er det virkelig ikke gået op for dig endnu? Det er satme
ikke meget der forgår oppe i kødkraniet, hva?

Blev du drillet i skolen for at være så snotdum? :D

Ateister har det med altid at hyle op om beviser. Det er som om, de
helt har glemt, at deres egen tro, dvs. troen på at materien er den
yderste årsag, er total blind tro uden basis i den observerbare
virkelighed. Så er kravet på bevis ligepludseligt borte.

Men det er den dobbel-standard, man bliver tvunget til at acceptere
som ateist. Man kræver stenhård, empirisk bevisførelse, når det kommer
til Gud og religion, men når det kommer til ens egen trosretning,
stilles der ikke de samme krav til bevisførelse.

Det er let at bevise, at hvis man opretholder en ateistisk mentalitet,
vil man opleve langt højere grader af lidelse, elendighed og
eksistentiel ængstelse, end hvis man forbinder sig med Krishna. Det er
et empirisk faktum, enhver kan undersøge og verificere -
Krishnabevidsthed medfører større glæde i tilværelsen og ateisme
medfører mere frustration og lidelse i livet. Det er et beviseligt

Nu kommer så den sædvanlige lamme indvending - jamen, jeg lider ikke.
Jeg har det godt.

Denne udtalelse kan kun skyldes, at man ligger under for den moderne
propaganda, der bort-rationaliserer lidelsen - man må tage det gode
med det onde. Den pause i elendigheden, som man får ud af kropslig
nydelse, opvejer al lidelsen. Det gode opvejer det onde. Uden lidelse
kan man ikke udvikle sig som person osv osv. Man tror ikke, at lidelse
er så dårlig. Ja, man tror endda, at uden lidelse kan der ikke være
nogen glæde. Eller også er man bare for dækket af uvidenhed til at
forstå, at man lider - ligesom et dyr.

Hvad de fleste materialister ikke forstår, er at den materielle verden
grundliggende set er fuld af frustration og elendighed. Det er sådan
Krishna har designet den. Hvis den materielle verden var perfekt,
vllle de faldne sjæle aldrig udvikle ønsket om at slippe ud af den og
vende tilbage til Krishna.

Ateister bruge den materielle verdens fejl og mangler som argument
for, at en almægtig, barmhjertig Gud ikke kunne have skabt den. En
perfekt Gud ville have skabt noget perfekt, siger de. Hvis der er en
Gud, hvorfor er der så al den lidelse i verden?

Pointen her er, at der ER en perfekt verden uden lidelse og
elendighed. Det kaldes den åndelige verden, hvor Krishna leger for
evigt sammen med de befriede sjælen. Den materielle verden er netop et
sted Han har skabt til de sjæle, der ikke ville være sammen med Ham.
Han lavede en verden, hvor de kunne komme og efterligne Ham. Og den er
designet til at bringe de karmiske reaktioner til enhver handling.

Selv om den materielle verden er et sted fyldt med lidelse, så vil de
fleste faldne sjæle alligevel gerne blive her. Og Krishna er så
venlig, at han lader dem tro, at de nyder og har det godt. Selv når
sjælen er i de mest helvedesagtige omstændigheder, som fx. når den
befinder sig som tarm-mide i en eller andens indvolde, så tror den, at
den nyder. Men slutpunktet i den materielle verden er altid lidelse,
for alting ender i sygdom, alderdom og død.

Hvis verden er et lortested, er det udelukkende vores egen fejl. Det
er ikke kemikaliernes fejl. Det er ikke Guds fejl. Det er vores fejl.
Gud har givet os mulighed til at lave jorden til et paradis eller et
helvede. Hvadenten det er godt eller dårligt, så er man selv årsagen,
individuelt eller kollektivt. Det er blot en naturlov. Og man lærer
ikke om den i skolen. Det er sker i et uvidende samfund styret af
ugudelige kræfter.

Den menneskelige livsform er en enstående chance for sjælen at
erkende sand lykke og skønhed - den lykke og skønhed, man oplever, når
man bliver befriet for ængstelse og usikkerhed og erkender den
virkelige mening med alting. Skeptikeren hævder, at en sådan
erkendelse er ikke er mulig under nogen omstændigheder, men der er
ingen som helst basis for en sådan konklusion. Tværtimod, alt peger
på, at en erkendelsen af den Absolutte Sandhed er mulig. Hvis Gud er
til, er det muligt, at erkende Ham som Han er. Det er jo indlysende.

Hvis Gud ikke er til, er det ikke muligt at erkende hinsides tvivl. Så
ateisters konklusion hviler på en umulighed i den forstand, at deres
trosretning ikke kan bekræftes, for det kan ikke lade sig gøre at
bevise, at Gud ikke eksisterer.
Men hvis Han eksisterer, kan det bevises. Så ateismen hviler på en
antagelse, der er uverificerbar. Det er klart, at kun en tåbe kan
overgive sig til en tro, der er ubekræftelig. Som teist har man i det
mindste en teoretisk mulighed for at få sin antagelse bekræftiget.

Krishna siger:

Fra den højeste planet ned til den laveste i denne materielle verden
er alle steder fulde af elendighed, hvor gentagende fødsel og død
finder sted. Men den, der når Min bolig, O Kuntis søn, vil aldrig mere
blive født. (Bg. 8.16)

Ydmyghed; at være uden hovmod; ikke-vold; tolerance; enkelhed; at
vende sig til en autoriseret åndelig mester; renlighed; vedholdenhed;
selvbeherskelse; at forsage objekterne for sansenydelse; fravær af
falsk ego; at indse det onde i fødsel, død, alderdom og sygdom;
ubundethed; at være fri for tilknytning til børn, kone, hjem osv.; at
være i ligevægt under både behagelige og ubehagelige hændelser;
konstant og ren hengivenhed til Mig; at tilstræbe et liv på afsides
beliggende steder; at være uafhængig af den generelle menneskemasse;
at indse vigtigheden af selverkendelse; og filosofisk at søge efter
den Absolutte Sandhed - alt i alt erklærer Jeg dette for at være
viden, og hvad der end findes der udover, er uvidenhed. (Bg. 13.8-12)

Det man skal notere sig her, er at erkendelsen af det onde i fødsel,
sygdom, alderdom og død, er et af symptomerne på viden. De fleste
mennesker vil simpelthen ikke erkende, at de lider, og at lidelse er
en dårlig ting. Materialister forsøger af al magt at retfærdiggøre og
bort-rationalisere lidelse og elendighed. De siger, at det er
uundgåelige faktorer ved eksistensen. Men det er ikke sandt. Det er
lige omvendt. Det er rendyrket ondskab at ville betinge sjælen, der er
evig, fuld af viden og lykke, til en lidelsesfuld kropslig eksistens.

Så beviset på, at ateisme er dårlig for sindet er, at livstroen som
filosofi bringer uvished, tvivl, usikkerhed og endeløs ængstelse og
bekymring. Krishnabevidsthed er løsningen på dette dilema. Enhver, der
serøist forsøger at overgive sig til Krishna, vil opleve, at han
gradvist bliver fri for disse materielle elendigheder. Alt andet er
bare lapperier, og det ender altid i det samme - sorg og elendighed.

Hele ideen om evig romance er en løgn fabrikeret af Hollywood. Vi ved
alle at kærligheden til andre levende væsener, selv den vi har til
vores børn og partner, aldrig varer evigt. Det hører altid op, og så
skal man til det igen med at finde romance og mening i livet. I
Vedaerne kaldes det at tygge det, der allerede er blevet tygget. Det
er først når man finder Krishna, at man bliver tilfreds i tilværelsen
- varigt tilfreds. Det er kun til Krishna og Hans hengivne, man kan
have sand (dvss. Evig) kærlighed.

Prahlad Maharaja siger:

Because of their uncontrolled senses, persons too addicted to
materialistic life make progress toward hellish conditions and
repeatedly chew that which has already been chewed. Their inclinations
toward Krishna are never aroused, either by the instructions of
others, by their own efforts, or by a combination of both.

Krishna siger:

Hør nu fra Mig, O Prithas søn, hvorledes du ved at udføre yoga i fuld
bevidsthed om Mig, med sindet fæstnet på Mig, kan kende Mig helt og
fuldt uden nogen tvivl. Jeg vil nu udførligt forklare denne viden for
dig - både den materielle og den åndelige. Når du ved dette, er der
intet mere tilbage for dig at vide. (Bg. 7. 1-2)

Hvis du bliver bevidst om Mig, vil du gennem Min nåde overkomme alle
de forhindringer, der er forbundet med betinget liv. Hvis du der i mod
ikke arbejder i en sådan bevidsthed, men handler gennem det falske ego
uden at lytte til Mig, vil du blive fortabt. (Bg 18.58)
2020-08-09 05:50:33 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Post by EXLEX
Men det kniber måske lidt med argumentationen?
Argumentationen? Er det det du tror vi har her? En diskussion?
hahaha :D
Jeg kan godt blive noget i tvivl, når du møder op så ubevæbnet.
Men jeg agter ikke at genere dig for dine mangler i så henseende.

