2020-09-09 00:56:01 UTC
Earth is situated in he material world. The material world is where
those souls go who have opted to turn away from God. In reality, God
is the only center. In the material world I am the center. We have all
come here to take Gods place as the center of existence.
All embodied souls share an aversion towards God. We are averse to the
fact that God is the only enjoyer. At one point in eternal time, the
desire arose in us to take Gods position as the enjoyer, and thus we
have come to the material world to enjoy separately from Him.
All living entities in the material world think they are God in the
sense they think they are the center of enjoyment. In reality God is
the center of enjoyment, but in our delusion we think that we have
become the center of the universe. All living entities have their own
unique perspective, thinking that they are the center of reality.
The material world is perfectly designed for the soul to exercise its
free will. If the soul couldnt choose to be evil, it wouldnt be a
perfect world, and, furthermore, it would defeat the very purpose of
material creation, which is to be a place for those who want to be
free to do what they want, without any interference from God.
For instance, the greatest evil in the world is the meat-industry,
which tortures and kills animals by the millions every single day in
high-tech, automated death-factories. And God allows such evil to
flourish, in order for meat-eaters to have their desires fulfilled.
In Bhagavad Gita, God tells us how nature works. He gives us
directions, following which we can live nicely. If, like we do today,
treat nature and her inhabitants like crap, we must be prepared to
reap the consequences.
When we look at the animal kingdom, its basically a life of eating
and being eaten. Human life is a little more refined. Here its
basically a battle of being successful or unsuccessful. Whether we win
or lose, though, is determined by our karma. And God doesnt interfere
with our karma.
In the material world, nothing happens unfairly to anyone. Everything
is a result of karma - peoples activities and the reactions to those
Sometimes people wonder - if God is all merciful and good, how come
there is so much suffering in the world? What they dont consider is
that when people suffer the reactions to their sinful activities, its
a good thing. The material world is designed to give us the reactions
to our pious and sinful activities, and that is perfect.
So nobody has to wonder - how come an almighty and good God allows all
these tragedies to befall us? Either He is unable to prevent it, or He
doesnt exist.
The fact is that God allows mother Nature to give humans the exact
karmic reactions they deserve for their evil activities.
God is in total control, and whatever He does is absolutely good. When
Nature punishes us for the suffering we put other living entities
through, simply for our own selfish satisfaction, like when we
slaughter animals en masse, simply to satisfy our taste buds, its a
good thing. Its exactly how its meant to be.
So next time somebody whines about how cruel the universe is to him,
then take a look at his dinner table stacked with slabs of a cadaver
from a murdered animal, and know for certain - he gets exactly what he
deserves from the universe.
In Sri Isopanishad it is written:
The Personality of Godhead is perfect and complete, and because He is
completely perfect, all emanations from Him, such as this phenomenal
world, are perfectly equipped as complete wholes. Whatever is produced
of the Complete Whole is also complete in itself. Because He is the
Complete Whole, even though so many complete units emanate from Him,
He remains the complete balance.
Iso Invocation
those souls go who have opted to turn away from God. In reality, God
is the only center. In the material world I am the center. We have all
come here to take Gods place as the center of existence.
All embodied souls share an aversion towards God. We are averse to the
fact that God is the only enjoyer. At one point in eternal time, the
desire arose in us to take Gods position as the enjoyer, and thus we
have come to the material world to enjoy separately from Him.
All living entities in the material world think they are God in the
sense they think they are the center of enjoyment. In reality God is
the center of enjoyment, but in our delusion we think that we have
become the center of the universe. All living entities have their own
unique perspective, thinking that they are the center of reality.
The material world is perfectly designed for the soul to exercise its
free will. If the soul couldnt choose to be evil, it wouldnt be a
perfect world, and, furthermore, it would defeat the very purpose of
material creation, which is to be a place for those who want to be
free to do what they want, without any interference from God.
For instance, the greatest evil in the world is the meat-industry,
which tortures and kills animals by the millions every single day in
high-tech, automated death-factories. And God allows such evil to
flourish, in order for meat-eaters to have their desires fulfilled.
In Bhagavad Gita, God tells us how nature works. He gives us
directions, following which we can live nicely. If, like we do today,
treat nature and her inhabitants like crap, we must be prepared to
reap the consequences.
When we look at the animal kingdom, its basically a life of eating
and being eaten. Human life is a little more refined. Here its
basically a battle of being successful or unsuccessful. Whether we win
or lose, though, is determined by our karma. And God doesnt interfere
with our karma.
In the material world, nothing happens unfairly to anyone. Everything
is a result of karma - peoples activities and the reactions to those
Sometimes people wonder - if God is all merciful and good, how come
there is so much suffering in the world? What they dont consider is
that when people suffer the reactions to their sinful activities, its
a good thing. The material world is designed to give us the reactions
to our pious and sinful activities, and that is perfect.
So nobody has to wonder - how come an almighty and good God allows all
these tragedies to befall us? Either He is unable to prevent it, or He
doesnt exist.
The fact is that God allows mother Nature to give humans the exact
karmic reactions they deserve for their evil activities.
God is in total control, and whatever He does is absolutely good. When
Nature punishes us for the suffering we put other living entities
through, simply for our own selfish satisfaction, like when we
slaughter animals en masse, simply to satisfy our taste buds, its a
good thing. Its exactly how its meant to be.
So next time somebody whines about how cruel the universe is to him,
then take a look at his dinner table stacked with slabs of a cadaver
from a murdered animal, and know for certain - he gets exactly what he
deserves from the universe.
In Sri Isopanishad it is written:
The Personality of Godhead is perfect and complete, and because He is
completely perfect, all emanations from Him, such as this phenomenal
world, are perfectly equipped as complete wholes. Whatever is produced
of the Complete Whole is also complete in itself. Because He is the
Complete Whole, even though so many complete units emanate from Him,
He remains the complete balance.
Iso Invocation