Why are most cases of reincarnation from India?
(for gammel til at besvare)
2021-01-17 00:07:52 UTC
Everyone in the universe, from Brahma down to the ant, is

If it is really true, there are more people in India than other places
on the planet who remember past lives, it could be because India is
the place where the concept of reincarnation was first conceived. It
is probably the place where most people accept reincarnation, and so
the concept will not seem foreign to them.

Apart from that, a Canadian scientist, Dr. Ian Stevenson, has devoted
several decades of his life to studying reincarnation. In fact, his
studies constitute the empirical proof of reincarnation.

One of his most famous case studies is of Shanti Devi, an Indian woman
who could remember her last life.


Poul Nielsen
2021-01-18 12:59:16 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Everyone in the universe, from Brahma down to the ant, is
If it is really true, there are more people in India than other places
on the planet who remember past lives, it could be because India is
the place where the concept of reincarnation was first conceived. It
is probably the place where most people accept reincarnation, and so
the concept will not seem foreign to them.
Apart from that, a Canadian scientist, Dr. Ian Stevenson, has devoted
several decades of his life to studying reincarnation. In fact, his
studies constitute the empirical proof of reincarnation.
One of his most famous case studies is of Shanti Devi, an Indian woman
who could remember her last life.
a hoax message from jahnu. ther is no reinkarnation i this world.
2021-01-20 01:42:53 UTC
On Mon, 18 Jan 2021 13:59:16 +0100, Poul Nielsen
Post by Poul Nielsen
a hoax message from jahnu. ther is no reinkarnation i this world.

Er du nu på stoffer igen, Pølle.

I joined Hare Krishna to not be like you - a dumb-ass with no
knowledge about himself and the world. A fool who'se only pleasure
comes from the body and deranged mind. A loser, who lives an empty,
hopeless existence with nothing to look forward to except disease and

An indoctrinated retard who actually believes the way he grew up in a
shithole is the only way because he saw it on TV. I mean, seriously,
how dumb can you get?

The human life-form is a very rare and unique chance for the soul to
get out of samsara - the endless cycle of birth and death, and return
home, back home to Godhead, where it came from. So the reason we are
born is for us to find God.

Eating, sleeping, mating and defending, the soul can do in any
life-form. Only in the human life-form can the soul realize itself,
understand God, and return back to Him.

Lord Brahma (god of creation) says:

One attains the human form of life after transmigrating through
8,400,000 species by the process of gradual evolution. That human life
is spoiled for those conceited fools who do not take shelter of the
lotus feet of Govinda.

--Brahma-vaivarta Purana
