2020-09-22 21:15:58 UTC
Spirituality means to know oneself as a spiritual soul. As humans, n
order to know ourselves, we need spiritual life. We need to know
ourselves to become truly satisfied in life, and we also need
spirituality to distinguish us from animals.
"Both animals and men share the activities of eating, sleeping, mating
and defending. But the special property of the humans is that they are
able to engage in spiritual life. Therefore without spiritual life,
humans are on the level of animals."-Hitopadesa
All living entities are actually spiritual souls, so spirituality
begins with realizing one's spiritual self (the soul) beyond the body
and its culture.
In fact, as long as one is not aware of the spiritual dimension of
existence, one is not aware of oneself, and is in effect disconnected
from reality.
Real knowledge manifests when one is able to distinguish between
spirit and matter. Spirit is the conscious particle of the self, and
matter is the body and mind. The beginning of knowledge, mentioned by
Krishna in Bhagavad GIta, is to know the difference between oneself
and the body.
The spirit is the conscious self, so before becoming aware of oneself
as different from one's body and mind, there is no question of
In reality, the spiritual soul is a minute particle of God's
consciousness. Thus, consciousness is a spiritual phenomenon.
This spiritual knowledge is basically absent in the modern world.
Everybody identifies with their body and its culture.
To misidentify oneself with the body and its culture, is the root
cause of suffering.
Krishna says:
Of all creations I am the beginning and the end and also the middle, O
Arjuna. Of all sciences I am the spiritual science of the self, and
among logicians I am the conclusive truth. (Bg 10.33)
To approach one's real self, the spiritual soul, a scientific process
is required. God and the soul cannot be approached by faith alone.
Certainly, one can approach God on faith, like it's the case in most
religions, but it will not yield love of God. Love is based on
knowledge, not on faith.
order to know ourselves, we need spiritual life. We need to know
ourselves to become truly satisfied in life, and we also need
spirituality to distinguish us from animals.
"Both animals and men share the activities of eating, sleeping, mating
and defending. But the special property of the humans is that they are
able to engage in spiritual life. Therefore without spiritual life,
humans are on the level of animals."-Hitopadesa
All living entities are actually spiritual souls, so spirituality
begins with realizing one's spiritual self (the soul) beyond the body
and its culture.
In fact, as long as one is not aware of the spiritual dimension of
existence, one is not aware of oneself, and is in effect disconnected
from reality.
Real knowledge manifests when one is able to distinguish between
spirit and matter. Spirit is the conscious particle of the self, and
matter is the body and mind. The beginning of knowledge, mentioned by
Krishna in Bhagavad GIta, is to know the difference between oneself
and the body.
The spirit is the conscious self, so before becoming aware of oneself
as different from one's body and mind, there is no question of
In reality, the spiritual soul is a minute particle of God's
consciousness. Thus, consciousness is a spiritual phenomenon.
This spiritual knowledge is basically absent in the modern world.
Everybody identifies with their body and its culture.
To misidentify oneself with the body and its culture, is the root
cause of suffering.
Krishna says:
Of all creations I am the beginning and the end and also the middle, O
Arjuna. Of all sciences I am the spiritual science of the self, and
among logicians I am the conclusive truth. (Bg 10.33)
To approach one's real self, the spiritual soul, a scientific process
is required. God and the soul cannot be approached by faith alone.
Certainly, one can approach God on faith, like it's the case in most
religions, but it will not yield love of God. Love is based on
knowledge, not on faith.