Will god remain in existence only till we find a logical explanation for everything in the universe?
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2020-09-20 00:15:53 UTC
God is the eternal cause of all causes, so there is no question of Him
coming into existence. Nor is His existence dependent on what we
humans figure out about the universe. We can’t even figure out a
logical explanation of life, what to speak of the universe as a whole.

In the Mahabharata, Bhishma says:

acintyah khalu ye bhava na tams tarkena yojayet

'Don’t try and apply mundane logic and reason to the inconceivable.'

(Mahabharata, Bhisma-parva 5.22)

Inconceivable is defined as that which is beyond the empiric reach of
our senses.

Most of the universe is beyond our sensory perception. Someone may
claim that nothing is inconceivable, and they have all kinds of ideas
and speculations about the universe, still, these ideas are just that
- speculations.

To claim, for instance, that it’s not inconceivable to us how the sun
and the rest of the universe came into being, is just a puffed up

Knowledge of that which is beyond our sensory reach has to be received
from a proper authority, and the proper authority is guru, sadhu and
sastra - the spiritual master, the sages, and the scriptures.
Knowledge of the universe is recorded in the Vedic literature
(sastra). What happens when we receive knowledge of the universe from
the Vedic sages is that we’ll understand why and how the universe came
into being, and for what reason.

If, however, we reject the spiritual knowledge of the Vedas, relying
only on our own speculative logic and reasoning, the result is that we
will never know the purpose of the universe, and then we will die,
only to be born again to suffer or enjoy the reactions of our

Big Bang is an idea invented by atheists in their puffed up desire to
rule out God as the first cause. In reality, God is the eternal cause
of all causes.

Lord Brahma (god of creation) says:

Krishna who is known as Govinda is the Supreme Godhead. He has an
eternal blissful spiritual body. He is the origin of all. He has no
other origin and He is the prime cause of all causes. —Brahma-samhita,

Materialists have the idea that cosmos is an infinite expansion of
space, but cosmos, or the universe, is neither infinite nor eternal.
It is 6 billion kms. in diameter, and it lasts for one breath of God.

According to the Vedic Version, countless universes, as numerous as
mustard seeds in a sack, are generated from the breathing of
Maha-vishnu. It is said that universes emanate from Maha-vishnu’s skin
pores in seed form, as He exhales, then expand and contract again, as
they are sucked back into God, when He inhales.

Thus, universes are created and and destroyed within one breath of
God. The life-time of the universe, which is one breath of God, has
been calculated to be 311 trillion solar years.

So in my mind, that’s where the Big Bang theory comes from. The
singularity - the point from which our universe according to the Big
Bang theory was generated - is actually one of the skin-pores of God.

I guess, that’s where Muslims get the idea that God is great. Where as
in Islam, it is described that God is great, in the Vedic Version it
is described how God is great. Think about it. Imagine how big you
must be, if your one breath lasts 311 trillion years, and universes
are coming out of your skin-pores. That’s nothing less than
inconceivably large. Hence Maha-vishnu - the great Vishnu.

Krishna says:

By human calculation, a thousand ages taken together form the duration
of Brahma's one day (4,32 billion years). And such also is the
duration of his night.(Bg. 8.17)

At the beginning of Brahma's day, all living entities become manifest
from the unmanifest state, and thereafter, when the night falls, they
are merged into the unmanifest again. (Bg. 8.18)

Again and again, when Brahma's day arrives, all living entities come
into being, and with the arrival of Brahma's night they are helplessly
annihilated. (Bg. 8.19)

Yet there is another unmanifest nature, which is eternal and is
transcendental to this manifested and unmanifested matter. It is
supreme and is never annihilated. When all in this world is
annihilated, that part remains as it is. (Bg. 8.20)

That which the Vedantists describe as unmanifest and infallible, that
which is known as the supreme destination, that place from which,
having attained it, one never returns—that is My supreme abode. (Bg.
2020-09-20 15:39:20 UTC
No.... god is eternal - because there always will be people that needs
an "invisible friend" and insist on "believing" instead of "knowing".

2020-09-21 10:20:42 UTC
Post by EXLEX
No.... god is eternal - because there always will be people that needs
an "invisible friend" and insist on "believing" instead of "knowing".
Hey look, God talks about you in Bhagavad Gita.

Krishna says:

Those miscreants who are grossly foolish, who are lowest among
mankind, whose knowledge is stolen by illusion, and who partake of the
atheistic nature of demons do not surrender unto Me. (Bg 7.15 )
