How does scientific reason lead us to humanism?
(for gammel til at besvare)
2021-07-17 22:45:00 UTC
In scientific reasoning, there are no values incorporated. Scientific
reasoning holds that there is nothing beyond matter - life, existence,
consciousness - it's all chemistry and biology.

Adherents of the so-called scientific world-view are mostly atheists.
In science the idea is that humans are the most evolved creatures, and
as such they have the right to relate to nature, as they see fit.

If evolution is true, however, there is no reason to believe that
humans are the most important species on the planet, and that our
needs take precedence over the needs of any other species. Humans
decide that, not science or evolution

There is a lot of talk of human rights. We also talk of animal rights,
which basically means, we have to treat the animals nicely, before we
slaughter them for food. Or we can only hunt and kill them a couple of
moths a year. What kind of right is that? You can kill me, but only in
the months of August and September.

In Bhagavad Gita, God has given humans one single right - the right to
perform your duty. You don't even have the right to enjoy the result
of performing your duty, all you have is the right to work according
to your capacity.

If everyone exercises that right, according to the rules laid down by
God, the world will be a nice place. If, on the other hand, everyone
thinks they have the right to do whatever the hell they want, the
results will be accordingly. The world will be a hellish place for

Humanism is just another name for atheism, and there is nothing nature
hates more than an atheist. Without religion, humans are just another
species, no more noble or important to the planet than ants and

Krishna says:

You have a right to perform your prescribed duty, but you are not
entitled to the fruits of action. Never consider yourself the cause of
the results of your activities, and never be attached to not doing
your duty. -Bg 2.47
2021-07-18 00:49:45 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Humanism is just another name for atheism, and there is nothing nature
hates more than an atheist.
Naturen kan "hade"?
Og specielt ateister?

Så græsset du træder på interesserer sig for, hvad du tror?
Hvor bizart.
Post by Jahnu
Without religion, humans are just another
species, no more noble or important to the planet than ants and
Og hvad er så problemet med det?
Har du ikke selv både været et riskorn, en myg og en kakkelak?
Hvad får dig til at tro, at du for indeværende er bedre end disse?
Hvad skyldes denne elitære holdning?
En "tro", som du ikke kan argumentere for sandhedsværdien af?
... det bliver mere og mere pinligt med denne Krista-holdning.
Post by Jahnu
You have a right to perform your prescribed duty, but you are not
entitled to the fruits of action. Never consider yourself the cause of
the results of your activities, and never be attached to not doing
your duty. -Bg 2.47
Hvis Krista nogensinde har sagt sådan, så undrer det mig, at hun intet
har foretaget sig de sidste 5000 år. I strid med egne ord.
Dovne kælling !

2021-07-19 03:29:17 UTC
Post by EXLEX
Hvis Krista nogensinde har sagt sådan, så undrer det mig, at hun intet
har foretaget sig de sidste 5000 år. I strid med egne ord.
Dovne kælling !
"The reader is nowhere raised into and sustained in a bigger, purer or
rarer region of thought than in the Bhagavad Gita"

-- Henry David Thoreau
