2021-06-22 03:29:51 UTC
Existence is not meaningless unless you are an atheist. Atheists will
protest this, saying - we make our own meaning. And everyone is
certainly free to create their own meaning of existence. But as long
as one misidentifies oneself with the body and its culture, ones
existence is ultimately meaningless, because the end-station of the
body is invariably death.
So when a person claims - Ill create my own purpose of life, thank
you very much, I dont need no God to tell me how to live my life -
what one is really saying is that the purpose of my life is to die.
While waiting for death, one may have so many purposes - saving the
whales, fighting against social injustice etc. - the list is endless,
what is the meaning of it all, if it ends in death? Actually, its an
observable fact that nobody has created a better world by having an
idea, however noble it may be.
Someone may claim that polio-vaccine has created a better world. Now
nobody is getting polio anymore. But instead, people die from a host
of other diseases. A real improvement of the world would be to
eradiate disease, all together, but thats not going to happen, not
ever. Inherent in an existence based on the body and mind are the
miseries of birth, death, old age and disease.
There are no material solutions to material problems, except some
temporary patch-work. There is only a spiritual solution. A genuine
spiritual solution is to get rid of the material body once and for
all, and get out of samsara - the endless cycle of birth and death.
The human life-form is the only life-form that makes this possible for
the soul. A soul who does not take advantage of this rare opportunity
in the human form, lives in vain.
Krishna says:
My dear Arjuna, one who does not follow in human life the cycle of
sacrifice thus established by the Vedas certainly leads a life full of
sin. Living only for the satisfaction of the senses, such a person
lives in vain. --Bg 3.16
protest this, saying - we make our own meaning. And everyone is
certainly free to create their own meaning of existence. But as long
as one misidentifies oneself with the body and its culture, ones
existence is ultimately meaningless, because the end-station of the
body is invariably death.
So when a person claims - Ill create my own purpose of life, thank
you very much, I dont need no God to tell me how to live my life -
what one is really saying is that the purpose of my life is to die.
While waiting for death, one may have so many purposes - saving the
whales, fighting against social injustice etc. - the list is endless,
what is the meaning of it all, if it ends in death? Actually, its an
observable fact that nobody has created a better world by having an
idea, however noble it may be.
Someone may claim that polio-vaccine has created a better world. Now
nobody is getting polio anymore. But instead, people die from a host
of other diseases. A real improvement of the world would be to
eradiate disease, all together, but thats not going to happen, not
ever. Inherent in an existence based on the body and mind are the
miseries of birth, death, old age and disease.
There are no material solutions to material problems, except some
temporary patch-work. There is only a spiritual solution. A genuine
spiritual solution is to get rid of the material body once and for
all, and get out of samsara - the endless cycle of birth and death.
The human life-form is the only life-form that makes this possible for
the soul. A soul who does not take advantage of this rare opportunity
in the human form, lives in vain.
Krishna says:
My dear Arjuna, one who does not follow in human life the cycle of
sacrifice thus established by the Vedas certainly leads a life full of
sin. Living only for the satisfaction of the senses, such a person
lives in vain. --Bg 3.16