What do intelligent people think?
(for gammel til at besvare)
for 4 år siden
"In the view of such harmony in the cosmos which I, with my limited
human mind, am able to recognize, there are yet people who say there
is no God. But what makes me really angry is that they quote me for
support for such views." -- Albert Einstein

The more I study science, the more I believe in God.
---Albert Einstein

"Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival
of life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet"
-Albert Einstein
for 4 år siden
Den 25-08-2020 kl. 03:28 skrev Jahnu:
Given your deplorable status, I can understand why you want to know.
But you see - it is not an easy question to answer, as we intelligent
people tend to alter our way of thinking depending on the situation.

We seldom get stuck in the same 16 words and 32 sylables because of this.

for 4 år siden
hvine klynke klage
Let me tell you about what happens when atheists gain political power.
Once, Russia was one of the richest and most influential countries of
Europe. When the atheists took over in 1917 they very quickly ran that
mighty country on it's ass into some impoverished condition. Russia
used to be full of natural resources and minerals and Ukraine used to
produce grains for the entire Europe. Ukraine had the most splendid
farm-soil in the whole world. After being under the rule of atheism,
in a mere 70 years that country was reduced to a wasteland.

As soon as atheists rise to political power, they immediately create a
totalitarian, fascist state. Recent history is abundant with examples
of this - China, Soviet Union, Cambodia and North Korea.

Atheists like to point to religion as the cause of all evil, but the
fact is that the most psychopathic, insane mass murders in recent
human history were all professed atheists - Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot etc.

There is nothing mother Nature hates more than atheism. She refuses to
corporate with an atheistic government. That's why she is in the
process of removing the modern Coca-cola culture from her surface.

According to the Vedic teachings there is a natural progression in
human society of dharma, artha, kama, moksha - religion, wealth,
sense-enjoyment and liberation. There can be no wealth without some
type of sacrifice or religion, and without wealth there'll be no
enjoyment. And after having enjoyed ample wealth, and then realized
that it anyway does not make one happy, one may seek liberation.

The western wealth and rise to world dominion was clearly a result of
Christian dharma, however primitive and incomplete that religion is.
Now as the western culture is discarding it's religion, it's wealth is
being diminished and removed. This is not an idea or a theory, it is a
direct observable fact. To the same degree that modern society
discards its religion, to the same degree everything falls apart.

But materialists don't see this. Why? Because they are simply too
ignorant and deluded to actually notice what goes on in the world
around them. According to them, everything is just random chance and
in the short time you have in this life, it behooves you to enjoy as
much as possible. I mean, how ignorant can the present civilization
get? They slaughter other living entities wantonly for profit. They
actually kill living entities by the millions daily on assembly lines
in automated death-factories. Each second on the planet, a woman or a
child is being raped or murdered. And you think there will be no
consequences to such mindless atrocities, that death will offer you
eternal peace? But that's what happens when atheists get into
governmental power, they very quickly destroy everything.

Mother Nature will punish such a psychotic society, and that's what's
happening in the world right now, as we speak. Indeed, death will be a
rude awakening for the atheist.

Vishnu says:

When one is envious of the demigods, who represent the Supreme
Personality of Godhead, of the Vedas, which give all knowledge, of the
cows, brahmanas, Vaisnavas and religious principles, and ultimately of
Me, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he and his civilization will
be vanquished without delay. -- Srimad Bhagavatam 7.4.27

Krishna says:

In the beginning of creation, the Lord of all creatures sent forth
generations of men and demigods, along with sacrifices for Vishnu, and
blessed them by saying, "Be thou happy by this yajïa [sacrifice]
because its performance will bestow upon you everything desirable for
living happily and achieving liberation. (Bg. 3.11)

The demigods, being pleased by sacrifices, will also please you, and
thus, by cooperation between men and demigods, prosperity will reign
for all.

In charge of the various necessities of life, the demigods, being
satisfied by the performance of yajïa [sacrifice], will supply all
necessities to you. But he who enjoys such gifts without offering them
to the demigods in return is certainly a thief. (Bg. 3.12)

The devotees of the Lord are released from all kinds of sins because
they eat food which is offered first for sacrifice. Others, who
prepare food for personal sense enjoyment, verily eat only sin. (Bg.

All living bodies subsist on food grains, which are produced from
rains. Rains are produced by performance of yajna [sacrifice], and
yajna is born of prescribed duties. (Bg. 3.14)

Regulated activities are prescribed in the Vedas, and the Vedas are
directly manifested from the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Consequently the all-pervading Transcendence is eternally situated in
acts of sacrifice. (Bg. 3.15)

My dear Arjuna, one who does not follow in human life the cycle of
sacrifice thus established by the Vedas certainly leads a life full of
sin. Living only for the satisfaction of the senses, such a person
lives in vain. (Bg. 3.16)
for 4 år siden
Post by Jahnu
Russia was one of the richest and most influential countries of
According to what insane history book?

for 4 år siden
bitch moan whine
Krishna siger:

De, der er skamløst tåbelige, de, der er lavest blandt mennesker, de,
hvis viden er blevet stjålet af illusion, og, de, der deltager
dæmonernes ateistiske natur, overgiver sig aldrig til Mig. (Bg. 7.15)

Obviously, nobody is an atheist due to lack of evidence of God. In
fact, the last thing an atheist wants, is proof of God. The whole
world is proof of an intelligent designer. One becomes an atheist when
one does not want God in his life, not because there is no proof of
God. It’s as simple as that.

I mean, I can understand why someone would be against certain
religions. The theology of the Abrahamic religions, for instance, is
largely sectarian nonsense.

But to deny the obvious intelligent design observable in nature, to
actually suggest the world created itself out of a bunch of chemicals,
that’s just plain dumb.

Of course, only God can prove who He is, but there is empiric proof of
His existence. The irreducible complexity of living organisms is the
logical proof of the Intelligent Design of nature. So ID is a direct,
observable fact of nature. Thus, ID comprises the empirical proof of

Irreducible complexity is like a car engine, where all the parts of
the engine are interdependent in their functions. The cylinders
function only in combination with the pistons, the pistons function
only in connection with the spark plugs, the spark plugs depend on the
electric system for their function, and son on. All the components of
the engine work only in combination with each-other.

In other words, a car engine is only functional as a complete unit. If
one component fails, the whole engine fails. Hence the term
irreducible complexity.

IOW, the idea that abiogenesis and evolution, with no guiding
intelligence behind it, produced all the living species, is basically
an affront to a working intellect.

To say, like atheists do, that the universe created itself out of a
bunch of chemicals, is like saying that a Mercedes Benz created itself
without any creative intelligence behind it.

Professor Werner Gitt, who works in the field of information science

"There is no known natural law through which matter can give rise to
information, neither is there any physical process or material
phenomenon known that can do this. All languages, alphabets, and codes
that we know of, as well as the information spoken or written in them,
originated in minds. The blind faith of the atheist that the first
life was an exception to this fact is contrary to all known evidence."

(Werner Gitt, In the Beginning Was Information, 1997, p. 79)

In my mind, however, apart from the fact that the ID observable in
nature is proof of God, and, say, if one’s brain is not equipped to
handle logic and reason, the best proof of God is that you become
totally happy by adding Krishna to your life.

Someone may object - you also become happy by smoking some dope or
winning the lottery, or having sex, what’s the difference? How is that
proof of God?

The thing about bodily or mental pleasures, though, is that they don’t
make the soul happy. Connecting to Krishna makes the soul happy, and
contrary to sense-gratification, which always ends in misery and
leaves you frustrated, the happiness of the soul is a constant fact.
Not only does the happiness of the soul not end, it only increases
more and more. It’s a deep and lasting bliss that is never interrupted
by suffering.

Sure, you may break a leg, your wife may leave you, your children may
think you’re a complete loser, or you may be depressed due to lack of
money, but the deep satisfaction of Krishna consciousness, once
established, never leaves the heart. And that’s the proof that Krishna
is God.

So, as the saying goes - the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

Krishna says:

O learned Uddhava, those who fix their consciousness on Me, giving up
all material desires, share with Me a happiness that cannot possibly
be experienced by those engaged in sense gratification. --Srimad
Bhagavatam 11.14.12
for 4 år siden
Post by Jahnu
De, der er skamløst tåbelige, de, der er lavest blandt mennesker, de,
hvis viden er blevet stjålet af illusion, og, de, der deltager
dæmonernes ateistiske natur, overgiver sig aldrig til Mig. (Bg. 7.15)
Jaja... alle de godtroende og enfoldige som "køber" påstanden er "de
oplyste" - og de som ser, hvilke falske præmisser den hviler på er
"tåbelige og uintelligente".....

Enhver 25-ørers profet på et hvilket som helst gadehjørne, kan bruge
samme argument for at samle tilhængere.
"De kloge vil følge mig - de som ikke vil er dumme"....


for 4 år siden
Jeg er et ynkeligt jydefjols.
Humans excel all other species in their capacity for self-realization.

"Both animals and men share the activities of eating, sleeping, mating
and defending. But the special property of the humans is that they are
able to engage in spiritual life. Therefore without spiritual life,
humans are on the level of animals." --Hitopadesa

All living entities are spiritual in essence, for the soul in all
living entities is a minute, spiritual spark of consciousness. Most
living beings are not aware of their spiritual essence. In the lower
species, for instance, there is no awareness of the soul. In the
animal species there is total absorption of the consciousness in
eating, sleeping, mating, and defending.

The human life-form is a very rare and unique opportunity for the soul
to become aware of itself. But very few humans have any interest in
becoming spiritually aware. Like in the lower species, they have
elected to absorb themselves in their bodily identity, and the culture
they happened to appear in.

The present global civilization is merely a culture of eating,
sleeping, mating and defending. Certainly, humans may be more refined
than animals. But a culture that revolves around gratifying a material
body and mind, is basically an animal culture.

Even if humans are more refined in their material activities than
animals - they may eat their food bought from a supermarket, nicely
wrapped in plastic, from porcelain plates with a knife and a fork,
they may sleep, or mate, on box-spring mattresses, and defend
themselves with missiles and high-tech bombs, but if they are not
aware of themselves as souls, they are no more advanced than animals
that eat their food raw from some prey, sleep on the ground, and
defend themselves with tooth and claw.

Thus, without spiritual awareness a human being is no better than an

It is spiritual understanding that makes a human a human, not the
advancement of technology, or even the ability to read and write. What
do they read and write about? What is all the great literature about?
What’s on CNN and Fox news? It can all be boiled down to - eating,
sleeping, mating, and defending.

A human being who does not use the human form of life to become aware
of God signals to nature - I want nothing more than being animal - and
in the next life his desire will be honored by nature.

Lord Brahma says:

One attains the human form of life after transmigrating through
8,400,000 species by the process of gradual evolution. That human life
is spoiled for those conceited fools who do not take shelter of the
lotus feet of Govinda.

--Brahma-vaivarta Purana
for 4 år siden
Post by Jahnu
It is spiritual understanding that makes a human a human, not the
advancement of technology, or even the ability to read and write. What
do they read and write about? What is all the great literature about?
What’s on CNN and Fox news? It can all be boiled down to - eating,
sleeping, mating, and defending.
Yeah... much like the vedic stories.... same contents.

for 4 år siden
Post by EXLEX
Yeah... much like the vedic stories.... same contents.
Here is a chart showing that humans share all physiological traits
with the herbivores of nature and with the carnivores.


Hands / hoofs Claws as append- Hands as
as appendages ages appendages

Teeth flat Teeth sharp Teeth flat

Alkaline saliva; Acid saliva; no Alkaline saliva;
much ptyalin ptyalin enzyme much ptyalin
enzyme enzyme

Stomach acid 10 Much strong hydro- Stomach acid 10
times weaker chloride acid in times weaker than
than meat-eaters stomach meat-eaters

Long intestines Short intestines; Long intestines;
to digest nutrients rapidly excrete digest nutrients in
in plant foods fully putrefying flesh plant foods fully

Sweats to cool Pants to cool Sweats to cool
body body body

Sips water Laps water Sips water

Vitamin C obtained Vitamin C manu- Vitamin C obtained
solely from diet factured internally solely from diet

Exists largely on Consumes flesh Diet depends
fruit and nut diet; exclusively on environment

Grasping hands No manual dexte- Grasping hands
capable of using terity capable of using
tools and weapons tools and weapons

Inoffensive Putrid Offensiveness of excrement
excrement excrement depends on diet

Snack feeder Large meals infre- Combines worst of
frequently taken both worlds

Predominantly Preference for salty Likes both sweet and
sweet toothed / fatty food salty / fatty food

Likes to savor Bolts down Likes to savor food,
food, experiment food experiment with
with variety, com- variety, combine flavors
bine flavors

Large brains, able Small brains, less Large brains, able
to rationalize capable of adaptive to rationalize

So as you see, the observable facts support the ancient knowledge of
the Ayurveda, which say, that human beings were designed mainly to be

Then there are other facts that might help a thoughtful person
consider turning vegetarian.

In a series of comparative endurance tests conducted by Dr.
Irving Fisher of Yale University, vegetarians performed twice as well
as meat-eaters. When Dr. Fisher knocked down the non-vegetarians'
protein consumption by 20% their efficiency went up 30%.

Numerous other studies have shown that a proper vegetarian diet
provides more nutritional energy than meat. A study by Dr.J.Iotekyo
and V.Kipani at Brussels University showed that vegetarians were able
to perform physical tests 2-3 times longer than meat-eaters before
tiring out - and the vegetarians fully recovered from fatigue 3 times
more quickly than the meat eaters.

Sources: Irving Fisher, "The influence of flesh eating on Endurance,"
Yale Medical Journal, March 1907

J.L. Buttner, "A fleshless Diet: Vegetarianism as a rational dietary."

You want more? I have tons of the stuff. Would you like to see
scientific research linking consumption of meat to cancer?
Just let me know.
for 4 år siden
Post by EXLEX
Yeah... much like the vedic stories.... same contents.
Here is a chart showing that...
...you somehow misunderstood.
But that is OK - I am a patient man.

for 4 år siden
Post by EXLEX
...you somehow misunderstood.
But that is OK - I am a patient man.
---men,men der kræves ingen magi for at skabe liv. Det er blot en
naturlig proces. Hvis du spørger mig om, hvad der helt nøjagtigt menes
med en naturlig proces, så har jeg ingen ide om det. Jeg kalder det
bare en naturlig proces, så det lyder mere videnskabeligt og for at
narre kreationister til at tro, jeg ved hvad jeg taler om.

De stakkels religiøse fanatikere behøver en eller anden magisk,
usynlig sagnfigur oppe i himlen til at forklare naturen, men mig? Glem
det, jeg behøver ikke magi til at forklare naturen, for det er
altsammen naturlige processer.

Ser du, først var der et punkt - jeg kalder det en singularitet, for
at det skal lyde mindre latterligt. Jeg fantaserer, at det er et
punkt, der indeholder alt stof, al tid og rum, så man behøver ikke
spekulere på, hvad der var uden for punktet, fordi der var ingenting
udenfor punktet - intet rum, ingen tid, intet stof, ja, fatisk
ingentig, forstår du? Der var kun et punkt og fra dette punkt kom der
så et univers ud af, sådan puf ved en ren tilfældighed. Det skete
simpelthen bare, forstår du? Ingen magi involveret, det er en helt
naturlig proces, og som vi ved i dag, er naturlige processer meget

Jeg vil ikke begynde at forklare, hvad der skete med de naturlige
processer efter, at universet poppede ud at et punkt, hvordan materien
skabte liv fra kemikalier, som derefter blev til en amøbe, der gennem
utallige mutationer så blev til et menneske, som derefter lærte at
tale. Du skal ikke bekymre dig om disse irriterende detaljer, alt hvad
du behøver at forstå er, at det er fuldstændigt naturligt og
videnskabeligt og at det skete over lang, lang tid. Det er det eneste,
du behøver at vide.

Og du skal slet ikke bekymre dig om, at ingen med en fungerende hjerne
tror på, at verden skabte sig selv ud af en bunke kemikaler. Glem det
faktum at de mest prominente og brilliante videnskabsfolk støtter
ideen om ID - Intelliget Design - simpelthen fordi det giver mere
mening. Det er helt betydningsløst. Du skal heller ikke bryde dig om,
at du ikke ved hvad en naturlig proces faktisk indebærer, du skal bare
recitere det som et mantra

- naturlig proces naturlig proces naturlig naturlig proces proces
ingen magi ingen magi magi magi ingen ingen...

Kan du mærke hvor godt det føles?

"A common sense interpretation of the facts suggests that a
superintellect has monkeyed with physics, as well as with chemistry
and biology, and that there are no blind forces worth speaking about
in nature. The numbers one calculates from the facts seem to me so
overwhelming as to put this conclusion almost beyond question."

- Fred Hoyle, astrophysicist
for 4 år siden
Den 02-09-2020 kl. 00:45 skrev Jahnu:

Når du har ret, så skal du også have det.

Det er sandt, at repræsentanter for videnskaben ved adskillige
lejligheder har påstået latterlige ting.

Men det skal så ikke forhindre yderligere forskning - eller at vi med
tiden kan blive klogere på sagerne.
Og videnskaben har igen og igen måttet revidere tidligere påstande i
takt med nye opdagelser.

Personligt giver jeg heller ikke meget for deres "big bang" - og da slet
ikke, når det halter med forklaringen.

for 4 år siden
klynke hvine bræge
Her er det indiskutable bevis på, at man bliver dum af at være ateist.
Ateisme er troen på, at der ingen guder er. Det er med andre ord en
tro, der ikke kan bekræftes. Det kan ikke lade sig gøre at bevise, at
der ingen Gud er, for man kan per definition ikke bevise en negativ.
Så ateisme er en blind tro, der ikke kan bevises. Hvem andre end
mindre intelligente tåber ville tro på noget, der ikke kan bevises?

I modsætning til dette har vi teisme. En teist har i den mindste en
teoretisk mulighed for at få sin tro på Gud bekræftiget. Gud kan, hvis
Han eksisterer, selvfølgelig bevise sin egen eksistens hinsides tvivl.
Det vil siger, at teister står intellektuelt stærkere en ateister. Det
gør de, fordi de tror på noget, der har mulighed for at blive bevist.

Det kan være, at en eller anden ateist vil indvende, jamen, hvis Gud
kan bekræfte sig selv, hvorfor har Han så ikke gjort det overfor mig?
Svaret på dette gives i Bhagavad Gita, hvor Krishna siger:

Jeg manifesterer Mig aldrig for de tåbelige og uintelligente. For dem
er Jeg dækket af Min indre energi, og derfor ved de ikke, Jeg er ufødt
og ufejbarlig. (Bg. 7.25)

Så kommer indvendingen - men, men det viser, at Gud er ubarmhjertig og
skånelsesløs. Men hvis vi tænker os lidt om, kan vi forstå, at lige
det modsatte er tilfældet. Ateisme drejer sig faktisk ikke om bevis
for det ene eller det andet. Det er en total fejlagtig ide, som mange
ateister dækker sig ind under. Hvis man har øjnene til at se det, er
hele verden bevis på en intelligent designer. Det er indlysende, at
ingen er ateist, fordi de mangler bevis på Gud.

At være ateist er simpelthen en valgsag. Ateisme vælger man, fordi man
ikke ønsker Gud i sit liv. De fleste religioner har ingen god
forklaring på, hvordan det kan være, at der findes mennesker, der ikke
ønsker Gud i deres liv, men i den vediske version forklares dette i
detaljer. Ifølge den vediske filosofi er Gud den Højeste Nyder, og
sjælen (dvs. du og jeg) er beregnet til Hans nydelse. Men hvis sjælen
nærer ønske om at efterligne Gud og blive uafhængige nydere af verden,
giver Krishna dem den materielle verden som deres handlingsfelt.

På den måde er vi alle faldne sjæle, hvadenten vi kalder os
buddhister, kristne, hinduer, ateister eller hvad som helst. Vi er
faldet ned til den materielle verden for at spille nydere og herskere.
Hvis vi rent faktisk kendte sandheden - at Krishna er den eneste nyder
og hersker - så ville vi ikke kunne udleve illusionen om at være
uafhængige nydere og herskere. Så Krishna holder barmhjertigt de
faldne sjæle hen i uvidenhed. Det er ud af respekt for den vildledte
sjæls ønsker, at Krishna holder sig væk fra ham. Når en nidkær ateist
har en stærk overbevisning om, at der ingen Gud er, så er det Krishna
der sidder som Oversjælen i hans hjerte og gør ateistens overbevisning

Krishna siger:

Jeg befinder Mig i alles hjerter som Oversjælen. Så snart nogen ønsker
at tilbede en eller anden halvgud (eller at være ateist), er det Mig,
der gør hans tro stærk,så han hengive sig til den særlige deitet. (Bg.

Så den eneste måde, en falden sjæl nogensinde igen kan gøre sig håb om
at se Gud, er ved at bede Ham om det. Så længe det grundliggende ønske
er der om ikke, at ville have noget at gøre med Gud, så vil Krishna
holde sig langt væk fra denne sjæl, og Han vil give sjælen et hav af
undskyldninger for ikke at tro på Ham. Så når ateister efterlyser
beviser på Gud, er det således intet andet end løgn og plat. Der er
intet en nidkær ateist ønsker sig mindre end bevis på Gud. Bevis på
Gud er det sidste en ateist vil have.

Enhver, der ønsker at kende Gud hinsides tvivl, vil selvfølgelig gøre
hvad det end skal være for at afstedkomme dette. Det første, der
kræves for at se Gud, er, at man opgiver sin ateistiske mentalitet og
udvikler et ægte ønske om at se Gud. Hvis man ønsker at se Gud, vil
man gøre det, der skal til, det er klart.

Krishna siger:

Hør nu fra Mig, O Prithas søn, hvorledes du ved at udføre yoga i fuld
bevidsthed om Mig, med sindet fæstnet på Mig, kan kende Mig helt og
fuldt uden nogen tvivl. (Bg. 7.1)
for 4 år siden
Post by Jahnu
Her er det indiskutable bevis på, at man bliver dum af at være ateist.
Ateisme er troen på, at der ingen guder er.
Det må du så tage op med ateisterne.

for 4 år siden
Post by EXLEX
Det må du så tage op med ateisterne.
Herren Rishabhadeva (en inkarnation af Gud) siger:

Når en person betragter sanse-tilfredsstillelse som målet med livet,
bliver han sandelig helt gal efter en materiel livsførelse og udfører
alle mulige syndefulde handlinger. Han er ikke klar over, at pga. sine
tidligere misgerninger har han allerede modtaget en krop, der, selvom
den er midlertidig, er årsag til hans elendighed. I virkeligheden
burde det levende væsen ikke have antaget en materiel krop, men han er
blevet iført kroppen for sansenydelse. Jeg synes derfor ikke, at det
passer sig for en intelligent person igen at beskæftige sig med
sanse-tilfredsstillelse gennem hvilken, han bestandigt får en ny krop
den ene efter den anden.

--Srimad Bhagavatam 5.5.4
for 4 år siden
Post by Jahnu
Post by EXLEX
Det må du så tage op med ateisterne.
Når en person betragter sanse-tilfredsstillelse som målet med livet,
bliver han sandelig helt gal efter en materiel livsførelse og udfører
alle mulige syndefulde handlinger.
Findes der en liste over disse mulige "syndefulde handlinger"?
for 4 år siden
Post by EXLEX
Findes der en liste over disse mulige "syndefulde handlinger"?
De fire grundliggende synder er - ulovlig sex (sex udenfor
ægteskabet), kødspisning, beruselse, og hasard.

Enhver ægte religion har 4 støttepiller - barmhjertighed, ærlighed,
forsagelse og renlighed. Disse religionens 4 støttepiller bliver
ødelagt af de 4 former for synd - kødspisning (drab af andre levende
væsener), indtagelse af rusmidler, utilladt sex og hasardspil.

Barmhjertighed bliver nedbrudt af kødspisning. Forsagelse bliver
nedbrudt af rusmidler. Renlighed bliver nedbrudt af utilladt sex.
Ærlighed bliver nedbrudt af hasardspil.

Læg mærke til hvordan disse 4 syndfulde handlinger, der altså
nedbryder religionens 4 støttepiller, udbredes i al litteratur, film,
og kunst i den moderne kultur. Ja, folk bliver simpelthen
indoktrineret til at synes, at de fire former for synd er noget helt
normalt og eftertragtelsesværdigt. Det viser meget klart hvilke
ugudelige kræfter, der styrer verden, når folk aktivt tilskyndes til
at begå syndefulde handlinger.

I Vedaerne symboliseres religion ved tyren, og tyrens fire ben er
religionens støttepiller. Det er værd at bemærke, at de gamle
cimbrer-stammer fra Nordjylland dyrkede tyren. Det kaldes hedenskab og
afgudedyrkelse af kirken, men cimbrerne var langt tættere på ægte
religion end fx. den danske folkekirke. At de gamle cimbrere dyrkede
tyren, viser tilligemed, at de vediske religioner har inspireret
religion over hele verden. Fx. er der i Ålborg-bymidte en stor statue
af en tyr. Denne tyr er religionen personifceret, men det er nok de
færreste ålborgensere, der er klar over dette :)

Krishna siger:

O vinde af rigdomme (Arjuna), der findes ingen sandhed højere end Mig.
Alting hviler på Mig som perler på en snor. (Bg. 7.7)
