What is the mind?
(for gammel til at besvare)
2020-08-18 14:02:01 UTC
A human being has two bodies - a gross, physical body, and a subtle,
mental body. They both belong in the category of matter - gross matter
and subtle matter

The mind consists of three subtle elements - the mind, intelligence,
and false ego. The functions of the mind are to think, feel and will
The functions of the intelligence are to discriminate, remember and
doubt. And the function of the false ego is to make us think we are
the body and mind.

In the mind are stored all the impressions, or samskaras, from
millions and billions of life-times. By Krishna’s grace, a person
can’t remember the different mental impressions from life to life. We
would go insane, if we could remember everything we did and think in
all these life-times, so therefore Krishna, in His form as Paramatma,
the Supersoul, makes us forget.

So the impressions from countless of live-times are stored in the
subconscious mind.

Narada Muni says:

Therefore, my dear King, the living entity, who has a subtle mental
covering, develops all kinds of thoughts and images because of his
previous body. Take this from me as certain. There is no possibility
of concocting anything mentally without having perceived it in the
previous body. --SB 4.29.65

Srila Prabhupada explains:

Actually the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna, is the supreme
enjoyer. When a living entity wants to imitate Him, he is given a
chance to satisfy his false desire to lord it over material nature.
That is the beginning of his downfall. As long as he is within this
material atmosphere, he has a subtle vehicle in the form of the mind,
which is the stockpile of all kinds of material desires.

Such desires become manifest in different bodily forms. Srila Narada
Muni requests the king to accept this fact from him because Narada is
an authority. The conclusion is that the mind is the storehouse of our
past desires, and we have this present body due to our past desires.
Similarly, whatever we desire in this present body will be expressed
in a future body. Thus the mind is the source of different kinds of

If the mind is purified by Krishna consciousness, one will naturally
in the future get a body that is spiritual and full of Krishna
consciousness. Such a body is our original form, as Sri Chaitanya
Mahaprabhu confirms, jivera 'svarupa' haya-krsnera 'nitya-dasa': [Cc.
Madhya 20.108] "Every living entity is constitutionally an eternal
servant of Krishna."

If a person is engaged in the devotional service of the Lord, he is to
be considered a liberated soul even in this life. This is confirmed by
Srila Rupa Gosvami:

"One who engages in the transcendental service of the Lord in body,
mind and words is to be considered liberated in all conditions of
material existence." (Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.2.187)

The Krishna consciousness movement is based on this principle. We must
teach people to absorb themselves always in the service of the Lord
because that position is their natural position. One who is always
serving the Lord is to be considered already liberated. This is also
confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (14.26):

"One who always engages in the spiritual activities of unalloyed
devotional service at once transcends the modes of material nature and
is elevated to the spiritual platform."

The devotee is therefore above the three modes of material nature and
is even transcendental to the brahmana platform. A brahmana may be
infected by the two baser modes -- namely rajo-guna and tamo-guna. A
pure devotee, who is free from all material desires experienced on the
mental platform and who is also free from empiric philosophical
speculation or fruitive activity, is always above material
conditioning and is always liberated.
2020-08-18 21:26:00 UTC
Post by Jahnu
A human being has two bodies - a gross, physical body, and a subtle,
mental body. They both belong in the category of matter - gross matter
and subtle matter
"Mental body" belongs in the category of matter???
Strange indeed.

What proof do you offer for this claim?

2020-08-21 01:26:05 UTC
Post by EXLEX
What proof do you offer for this claim?
Proof? hahaha :D You wouldn't know proof if it fell on your tiny
pointy head, farmerboy.

Evolution is a myth invented by an old Brit, with a long grey hair and
beard, named Charles Darwin, sometime in the last century.

There are no scientific observations that prove or even substantiate
Darwin’s idea of one species morphing into a different species through
a series of gradual mutations.

Evolution is probably the most common myth being propagated in modern
society. Of course, most scientists know that evolution is pure
belief, with no evidence to back it up, still, this belief is being
taught in all educational institutions of the world, as a scientific

Before science came along, people needed religion to tell them about
the world. Religion taught people that God created the world, that God
was the original cause if everything.

Now a days, of course, we know better, because now we have science to
tell us how the world works. Today we we know that chemicals combined
to create life and then evolution created all the different living

The theory of evolution according to Darwin, is not even a theory
anymore. It’s been upgraded to science. For the last five decades or
so, evolution has been propagated to the general populace as a
scientific fact.

So lets examine how existence is accounted for by evolution, and see
if it makes any sense.

You see, first there was a pool of chemicals. Then, by the
fluctuations of those chemicals, an amoeba-like creature was formed,
and then this amoeba gradually, through many, many intermediate
species, grew legs and learned to talk.

Ok, so far so good. Don’t even think about whether the first human
that popped out of the wheel of evolution was a male or female, that’s
just an annoying detail, you don’t have to worry about. Such annoying
details are not taught in evolution.

Then, how did the first human learn to talk, when there was no one to
talk to? That’s another annoying detail they don’t teach in evolution.

So, you are the first human on the planet, completely alone, no one to
talk to. So what do you do? Do you sit down and wait for your counter
part to evolve, so you can begin procreating? Maybe you grunt a little
bit under your breath at the sheer idiocy of your situation.

hahaha :D I know, right? Who comes up with nonsense like that?

Also, when your counter-part finally evolves, you can begin grunting
together and evolve some kind of language. Of course, don’t ask what
language evolved, and was spoken by the first people, that’s another
annoying detail. As far as we know Sanskrit is the mother of all
languages, and how that fits into evolution is not yet clear.

Note, in contrast to the sheer idiocy of the idea of evolution, and
it’s ridiculous linear concept of time, the logical, coherent and
authentic explanation we are offered in the Vedic tradition - humans
have simply always existed. Time is cyclic - civilizations goes
through endless cycles of creation, maintenance, and destruction, age
after age. At least that explanation makes sense to a rational mind.

The modern explanation of evolution is not only improbable and highly
speculative, wishful thinking, it is also complete and utter
anti-intellectual garbage.

Still, it is being taught in all universities as an objective,
scientific fact. It is considered completely rational and the best
explanation according to observable facts. They actually teach you
that in school - evolution is the best explanation we have right now
to explain the world we live in.

Of course, nobody with a brain actually believes in this nonsense, but
this is how it is being propagated to the general public.

The fact is that modern mainstream people are brainwashed fools. They
don’t have so much as one single independent thought in their brains.
If they didn’t have TV, newspapers and magazines to tell them what to
think and believe, they’d be up the proverbial creek without a paddle.

It’s a statistic fact that the general mass of people are more
disturbed and dissatisfied than ever before. Anti-depressants are
selling like never before. Some years ago WHO reported that the
biggest health problem facing humanity in the new millennium is that
more and more people will be born with mental problems. Is that the
symptoms of an evolved civilization?

It's rather peculiar how people in this scientific age are so little
scientifically oriented when it comes to God and religion. The dogma
has been created in modern society, that religion is faith only and
science is knowledge only. That’s hardly a scientific approach to
religion and God.

I can understand, how one may reject certain religions, but to
downright deny the existence of a Supreme Being is simply irrational,
and indicates an unevolved intellect.

There is nothing healthy or open-minded about being an atheist, and
the proof is that at the same rate society dispenses with its former
religious values, at the same rate society becomes debased, riddled
with crime and insanity.

Besides, it should be noted, that whether one calls himself a
Christian, Hindu, Mohammedan, Democrat, Republican or whatever, one
can still be of an atheistic mentality. It is not the designations we
put on ourselves that determine our identity. It's our mindsets and
actions and the knowledge we cultivate that define who we are.

There is a Bengali saying - phalena parichiyate - something is judged
by its result. Or, like Jesus said - you judge a tree by its fruits.
So things are judged and understood, not by their names, but by their
effects and influence. And the effect modern society has on the world
is one of destruction. Again, are those the symptoms of an evolved

In conclusion, here is what science has to say about evolution.

"Often a cold shudder has run through me, and I have asked myself
whether I may have not devoted myself to a fantasy." (Charles Darwin,
The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin)

"Scientists who go about teaching that evolution is a fact of life are
great con-men, And the story they are telling may be the GREATEST HOAX
EVER." -- Dr.T.N.Tahmisian, Atomic Energy Commission

"We must concede that there are presently no detailed Darwinian
accounts of the evolution of any biochemical or cellular system, only
a variety of wishful speculations." -- Franklin Harold, Emeritus
Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Colorado State
University, in an Oxford University Press text.

"Darwinian evolution - whatever its other virtues - does not provide a
fruitful heuristic in experimental biology. This becomes especially
clear when we compare it with a heuristic framework such as the atomic
model, which opens up structural chemistry and leads to advances in
the synthesis of a multitude of new molecules of practical benefit.
None of this demonstrates that Darwinism is false. It does, however,
mean that the claim that it is the cornerstone of modern experimental
biology will be met with quiet skepticism from a growing number of
scientists in fields where theories actually do serve as cornerstones
for tangible breakthroughs." --U.S. National Academy of Sciences
member Philip Skell

"[The] Darwinian claim to explain all of evolution is a popular
half-truth whose lack of explicative power is compensated for only by
the religious ferocity of its rhetoric." --National Academy of
Sciences member Lynn Margulis

"Mutations have a very limited constructive capacity . No matter how
numerous they may be, mutations do not produce any kind of evolution."
--Past president of the French Academy of Sciences Pierre-Paul Grasse

"The absence of fossil evidence for intermediary stages between major
transitions in organic design, indeed our inability, even in our
imagination, to construct functional intermediates in many cases, has
been a persistent and nagging problem for gradualistic accounts of
evolution." --Late American paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould

"Phylogenetic incongruities can be seen everywhere in the universal
tree, from its root to the major branchings within and among the
various taxa to the makeup of the primary groupings themselves." --The
father of molecular systematics, Carl Woese

"Most of the animal phyla that are represented in the fossil record
first appear, 'fully formed,' in the Cambrian . The fossil record is
therefore of no help with respect to the origin and early
diversification of the various animal phyla." --Invertebrate Zoology

"It remains a mystery how the undirected process of mutation, combined
with natural selection, has resulted in the creation of thousands of
new proteins with extraordinarily diverse and well optimized
functions. This problem is particularly acute for tightly integrated
molecular systems that consist of many interacting parts." --Two
leading biologists inAnnual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics

"New species usually appear in the fossil record suddenly, not
connected with their ancestors by a series of intermediates."
--Eminent evolutionary biologist Ernst Mayr

Science now know that many of the pillars of the Darwinian theory are
either false or misleading. Yet biology texts continue to present them
as factual evidence of Evolution. What does this imply about their
scientific standards? - Jonathan Wells

The bacteriologist Alan H. Linton wrote:

"None exists in the literature claiming that one species has been
shown to evolve into another. Bacteria, the simplest form of
independent life, are ideal for this kind of study, with generation
times of twenty to thirty minutes, and populations achieved after
eighteen hours. But throughout 150 years of the science of
bacteriology, there is no evidence that one species of bacteria has
changed into another. Since there is no evidence for species changes
between the simplest forms of unicellular life, it is not surprising
that there is no evidence for evolution from prokaryotic to eukaryotic
cells, let alone throughout the whole array of higher muliticellular

Evolutionary biologists Lynn Margulis and Dorion Sagan echoed the same
thing in 2002:

"Speciation, whether in the remote Galapagos, in the laboratory cages
of the drosophilosophers, or in the crowded sediments of the
paleontologists, still has never been traced."
2020-08-22 04:46:12 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Post by EXLEX
What proof do you offer for this claim?
Proof? hahaha :D You wouldn't know proof if it fell on your tiny
pointy head, farmerboy.
It would seem the mass of non-proof hit your head rather hard.

2020-08-23 01:37:12 UTC
Post by EXLEX
It would seem the mass of non-proof hit your head rather hard.
Of course it would seem like that to a meat-eating, redneck piece of
shit like you.

"The soul is atomic in size and can be perceived by perfect
intelligence. This atomic soul is floating in the five kinds of air
[prana, apana, vyana, samana and udana]. The soul is situated within
the heart, and it spreads its influence all over the body of the
embodied living entities. When the soul is purified from the
contamination of the five kinds of material air, its spiritual
influence is exhibited."

-- Mundaka Upanishad, 3.1.9
2020-08-23 14:11:34 UTC
Post by EXLEX
It would seem the mass of non-proof hit your head rather hard.
Of course it would seem like that ...
Then I am not alone in this perception.


2020-08-24 01:17:25 UTC
Post by EXLEX
Then I am not alone in this perception.
Of course, not. You share the perception of all the other deluded,
ignorant fools.


<Larm fra byen>

Et ældre ægtepar er lige ankommet til København.

-Nå, Sylvia, hvad synes du så vi skulle lave?

-Prøv at se den bus. Virkeligheds-sightseeing står der.

<en guides uforskammede stemme hørres i baggrunden>

-Virkeligheds-sightseeing kører nu. Alle stiger på bussen. Kom nu,
hurtigt. Vi har ikke meget tid.!!

- Tænk Sylvia, tror du vi får nogle af de kendte at se?

-Karl, lad os prøve det. Det lyder da spændende.

<lyden af Karl og Sylvia og de andre passagerer, der går ombord på

<guide med høj, fræk, uforfalsket Nørrebro dialekt>

-Ok, godtfolk, så er det tid til vores første stop. Cancer-klinikken
på Hvidovre Hospital. Kom nu folk, vi har ikke meget tid.

<på cancerklinikken - den usandsynlige lyd af 50 mennesker der hoster
højt og vedvarende>

<guiden med saglig stemme over larmen>

-Her ser vi et udvalg af forskeligge former for kræft. Her i det her
rum, har vi folk med lungekræft. Prøv at se fyren her med en slange
ned gennem halsen. Hør hvor han raller. Han er snart færdig. Se her,
der en anden. Halvdelen af hans kæbe er væk. Jeg tror han har røget
for meget. Og her i det tilstødende rum har vi afdelingen for mave-og

<guidens stemme aftager i styrke, mens han fortsætter med at beskrive
det ene horrible tilfælde efter det andet>

<over guidens bablen høres Sylvia>

-Du Karl, tror du, der måske ligger nogle af de kendte her, vi skal
kigge på.

Guide: -Ok folkens, så'r det nok. Tilbage i bussen. Hurtigt, vi har
ikke meget tid.

<tilbage i bussen>

Guide: -Ok folk, her er vores næste stop. Hjemmet for evnesvage børn!!

<en lyd der øger i styrke da en gruppe retarderede børn nærmer sig

Sylvia med alarm i stemmen: -Se Karl, Gud jeg tror minsandten de har
tænkt sig at komme ind i bussen.

-Rolig nu, Sylvia. Måske er det nogle af de kendtes børn.

<lyden af 20 retarderede børns mumlen og jamren stiger til et
crescendo idet gruppen træder ind i bussen>

Sylvia med panik i stenmmen: -Karl! Få dem væk fra mig. Karl! (hun
bliver hysterisk) Karl, de kravler op på mig!

Guide råber: -alright unger! Kravl ned fra damen. Sådan. Tilbage til
afdelingen. Det var godt. Nu kører vi videre til vores næste
bestemmelsessted! Slagtehuset!

<børnene fader ud af bussen>

<slagtehuslyd - kyllinger, grise, får, køer i en forenet skrækkens

Guide beskriver scenen henover lyden af halse der bliver skåret over,
lemmer der bliver hugget af, indvolde der slasker ned på kakkelgulvet
blandet med dyrenes ynkelige protest skrig:

-Her liner de køerne op til elektrisk stød. Prøv at se hvordan dyrenes
panik tiltager efterhånden som de nærmer sig manden med pistolen. Her
klynges de op i bagbenene og deres hals bliver skåret over endnu mens
de er i live. Se hvordan den næste man ved samlebåndet krænger
indvoldene ud med ét eneste veløvet snit fra bryst til anus. Prøv at
se hvordan slagterne vader i slim og indvolde op til anklerne. Godt de
har gummistøvler på.

Sylvia, nu nærmest i shocktilstand: -Åh Karl, jeg tror ikke jeg kan
holde det her ud. Det er jo forfærdeligt. Du må snakke med det der
uhyggelige menneske og kræve at få besked om, hvad det drejer sig om.

<Sylvia bliver askegrå i ansigtet. Hun har kvalme>

<lyden af Sylvia der kaster op i stråler ud på gulvet. Karl forsøger
lamt at trøste hende>

Carl med vrede og uro i stemmen henvender sig til guiden: -Se nu,
brutale fyr, hvad du har gjort med min kone. Vi troede vi sku' se
virkeligheden. Jeg kræver en forkla..

Guide afbryder ham uforskammet: -Luk kajen, mand! Du sagde, du ville
se virkeligheden.. well, det her er virkelighed for nogle. Kom nu bare
og se virkeligheden. Hvad brokker du dig over? Du har betalt for det

Guide fortsætter sin gennemgang: - Se folkens på den der kæmpemæssige
kødkværn. Al blodet, indvoldene og pløret fra gulvet bliver hældt der
op i, og ud af den anden ende kommer der pølser og hamburgere og andre
dejlige ting for ganen.

Sylvia jamrer sig over guidens stemme der fortsætter med at beskrive
den helvedesagtige proces, der er igang på slagteriet:

-Karl, jeg kan ikke ta' det her mere. Der er den mest afsindige
ulækre strank her inde. Jeg tror jeg skal brække mig igen.

<lyden af Sylvia der kaster op på gulvet igen>

Guide på sin opblæste facon: -Ok folks, så er det tid til at fortsætte
turen. Næste stop er hos de prostituerede og junkierne. Derefter
kigger vi indenfor på alderdomshjemmet og de hjemløses barak, og til
sidst slutter vi så dagen i folketinget. Kom så kører vi. Der er
ikke meget tid.

<Guidens stemme fader ud under den sidste del af hans opremsning>

Karl til Sylvia: -Kom skat, jeg har fået nok af det her. Den her
virkelighed er lidt for meget for mig. Lad os skride.

<Sylvia samtykker>

Lyden af tivoli og paradeband stiger i det fjerne. En udråber høres:

-Velkommen mine damer og herrer. Prøv vores fabelagtige tur.. Stig kun
på. Illusion-tours afgår om et kort øjeblik!!

Sylvia høres over de stigende uvæsen fra paraden der nærmer sig - håb
i stemmen:

-Se Karl, en illusionsparade. (hun begynder at juble som et barn) Se!
Dansende klovner og et hornorkester. Åh Karl, se ballonerne i alle
farver - og candyfloss!

<Sylvia er nu helt ekstatisk>

-Kom Karl, lad os slutte os til dem. jeg har fået nok af den her

<Karl sammentykker>

2020-08-25 14:44:15 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Post by EXLEX
Then I am not alone in this perception.
Of course, not.

2020-08-26 03:49:30 UTC
Post by EXLEX
Selv tak. Det er altid en glæde at afklapse intellektuelt
tilbagestående fjolser som dig.

Krishna siger:

De, der er skamløst tåbelige, de, der er lavest blandt mennesker, de,
hvis viden er blevet stjålet af illusion, og, de, der deltager
dæmonernes ateistiske natur, overgiver sig aldrig til Mig. (Bg. 7.15)
2020-08-26 21:58:23 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Det er altid en glæde at afklapse intellektuelt
tilbagestående fjolser som dig.
Jamen så må du jo hellere komme i gang.
Indtil videre ser det jo ud til, at du taber terræn.

2020-08-27 04:27:52 UTC
hvine, klynke klage
Krishna siger:

Jeg manifesterer Mig aldrig for de tåbelige og uintelligente. For dem
er Jeg dækket af Min indre energi, og derfor ved de ikke, Jeg er ufødt
og ufejbarlig. (Bg. 7.25)
2020-08-29 13:15:34 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Jeg manifesterer Mig aldrig for de tåbelige og uintelligente. For dem
er Jeg dækket af Min indre energi, og derfor ved de ikke, Jeg er ufødt
og ufejbarlig. (Bg. 7.25)
Jaja... alle de godtroende og enfoldige som "køber" påstanden er "de
oplyste" - og de som ser, hvilke falske præmisser den hviler på er
"tåbelige og uintelligente".....

Enhver 25-ørers profet på et hvilket som helst gadehjørne, kan bruge
samme argument for at samle tilhængere.
"De kloge vil følge mig - de som ikke vil er dumme"....


2020-08-31 01:28:13 UTC
Jeg er ynkelig.
Alle har deres egen personlige opfattelse af tilværelsen, hvadenten
den er teistisk, socialdemokratisk, videnskabelig eller ateistisk, Det
spiller ingen rolle, hvad man kalder sin livstil og sine værdinormer,
det er ens religion, der er tale om. Således defineres religion i
Vedaerne - dharma - livsstil, essens, normer, det vi idenficerer os
selv med - det er vores religion. Velkommen til Scientisme, folkets ny

Så kommer der nogen og siger - nej, nej, sådan er det ikke. Alting er
tilfældigt. Normer er intet andet end det, vi gør dem til. Vi
bestemmer selv vores værdier. Vi behøver ingen Gud eller religion til
at trække værdier ned over hovedet på os. Vi kan godt selv finde ud af

Men hvad er det, der tyder på, vi godt kan finde ud af det? Går det
virkeligt godt i verden lige nu?

Og hvad er det for fænomener i naturen, der tyder på, at en enkel
celle skulle være opstået af sig selv (uden intelligent styring) over
meget lang tid? Hvilke fakta er det indenfor naturvidenskaben, der
peger på, at alle de forskellige levende væsener skulle være opstået
fra en enkel amøbe, af sig selv, over meget lang tid?... Ikke det
mindste. De biologiske og arkæologiske realiteter viser netop, at alle
de forskellige livsarter altid har levet side om side. Der er intet
bevis for, at de forskellige arter skulle være opstået fra en amøbe,
der så voksede ben ud på og lærte at tale. Det er bare noget fup, som
folk bliver fodret med gennem almen uddannelse og en endeløs strøm af
natur programmer, og de æder det råt.

Hvis man afkræver naturvidenskabsmanden bevis på hans teori om, at
alting er opstået af sig selv helt tilfældigt, taler han bare uden om
og leverer et par komplicerede matematiske ligninger for at obfuskere
masserne. Videnskabsmændene er den moderne forbruger-kulturs
ypperstepræster. De må adlydes uden at stille spørgsmål. De kræver
viljeløs overgivelse til at paradigme, der absolut ingen mening, logik
eller sund fornuft indeholder.

Heldigvis ved vi bedre. Det er det, der er så vildt ved Hare Krishna -
vi ved hvem Gud er :)

Krishna siger:

De levende væsener i den materielle verden er Mine evige
fragmentariske dele. Som følge af deres betingede liv, kæmper de en
hård kamp med de seks sanser, sindet indbefattet. (Bg. 15.7)

Det levende væsen i den materielle verden bærer sine forskellige
livsopfattelser med sig fra krop til krop, ligesom vinden bærer en
duft. Således påtager han sig den ene krop efter den anden. (Bg. 15.8)

Det levende væsen, der således får tildelt en ny grov krop, erhverver
sig en særlig slags ører, øjne, tunge, næse og følesans, hvilke
grupperer sig omkring sindet. På den måde nyder han en særlig samling
sanseobjekter. . (Bg. 15.9)

Tåber fatter ikke, hvordan et levende væsen forlader sin krop, og de
fatter heller ikke, hvilken slags krop han nyder under fortryllelse
fra naturens kvaliteter. Men med kundskabens øjne kan man se alt
dette. (Bg. 15.10)

En stræbende transcendentalist, der er selvrealiseret, kan se det hele
klart. Men de, hvis sind ikke er udviklede, som ikke er forankrede i
selvrealisation, fatter ikke, hvad der foregår, end ikke selvom de
forsøger. (Bg. 15. 11)
2020-08-31 08:19:12 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Alle har deres egen personlige opfattelse af tilværelsen, hvadenten
den er teistisk, socialdemokratisk, videnskabelig eller ateistisk, Det
spiller ingen rolle, hvad man kalder sin livstil og sine værdinormer,
det er ens religion, der er tale om. Således defineres religion i
Vedaerne - dharma - livsstil, essens, normer, det vi idenficerer os
selv med - det er vores religion. Velkommen til Scientisme, folkets ny
Jamen dog da...
...har du set lyset?
2020-09-01 22:46:19 UTC
Post by EXLEX
Jamen dog da...
...har du set lyset?
Krishna says:

My dear Arjuna, because you are never envious of Me, I shall impart to
you this most confidential knowledge and realization, knowing which
you shall be relieved of the miseries of material existence. (Bg. 9.1)

This knowledge is the king of education, the most secret of all
secrets. It is the purest knowledge, and because it gives direct
perception of the self by realization, it is the perfection of
religion. It is everlasting, and it is joyfully performed. (Bg. 9.2)
2020-09-02 00:52:32 UTC
Post by EXLEX
Jamen dog da...
...har du set lyset?
Hende der Krishna siger en del.
...og det meste er gentagelser.

