Can animals reincarnate as humans?
(for gammel til at besvare)
2020-08-04 02:51:58 UTC
When the soul attains the human life-form, after evolving its
consciousness through the 8,400,000 species, it arrives at a chance to
finally understand the Absolute Truth. If a soul neglects this unique
opportunity to connect with God, it’s a signal to nature that this
soul doesn’t need to be human.

Eating, sleeping, mating, and defending the soul can do in any
life-form, the human life is meant exclusively for one thing -
self-realization. If a human neglects that opportunity, the soul will
be thrown back into yet another cycle in the lower species.

So there are three species that act as gateways back down into the
lower species - dog, crow and turtle. This means that whenever we see
a dog, a crow, or a turtle, they were humans in their last life.

Similarly, there are also three species that act as gateways back into
the human life-forms - tiger, cow, and monkey. So every time we see a
tiger, a monkey or a cow, we should know that they will be humans in
their next birth.

"One attains the human form of life after transmigrating through
8,400,000 species by the process of gradual evolution. That human life
is spoiled for those conceited fools who do not take shelter of the
lotus feet of Govinda."

--Brahma-vaivarta Purana
2020-08-04 07:55:57 UTC
Post by Jahnu
When the soul attains the human life-form, after evolving its
consciousness through the 8,400,000 species...
How many of these were carnivores?

2020-08-06 00:59:18 UTC
Post by EXLEX
How many of these were carnivores?
You'll have first hand experience, pretty soon. Humans are designed to
be vegetarians.

As long as there are slaughter-houses, there will be battlefields. A
vegetarian diet is the acid test of humanitarian.

-- Leo Tolstoy

Here is the new and revised chart, comparing flesh-eaters to plant
eaters, as it appeared in Peter Cox's book, Why You Don't Need Meat,
from 1994. It is highly recommendable reading for those who care about
what they eat, and who care about the planet and its other


Hands / hoofs Claws as append- Hands as
as appendages ages appendages

Teeth flat Teeth sharp Teeth flat

Alkaline saliva; Acid saliva; no Alkaline saliva;
much ptyalin ptyalin enzyme much ptyalin
enzyme enzyme

Stomach acid 10 Much strong hydro- Stomach acid 10
times weaker chloride acid in times weaker than
than meat-eaters stomach meat-eaters

Long intestines Short intestines; Long intestines;
to digest nutrients rapidly excrete digest nutrients in
in plant foods fully putrefying flesh plant foods fully

Sweats to cool Pants to cool Sweats to cool
body body body

Sips water Laps water Sips water

Vitamin C obtained Vitamin C manu- Vitamin C obtained
solely from diet factured internally solely from diet

Exists largely on Consumes flesh Diet depends
fruit and nut diet; exclusively on environment

Grasping hands No manual dexte- Grasping hands
capable of using terity capable of using
tools and weapons tools and weapons

Inoffensive Putrid Offensiveness of
excrement excrement excrement depends on diet

Snack feeder Large meals infre- Combines worst of
frequently taken both worlds

Predominantly Preference for salty Likes both sweet and
sweet toothed / fatty food salty / fatty food

Likes to savor Bolts down Likes to savor food,
food, experiment food experiment with variety,
with variety, com- combine flavors
bine flavors

Large brains, able Small brains, less Large brains, able
to rationalize capable of adaptive to rationalize
2020-08-06 05:40:49 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Post by EXLEX
How many of these were carnivores?
Humans are designed to
be vegetarians.
But some of them insist on living that way.
They are of course free to keep up this selfdestructive behavior.
The only bother is that they keep using their foolishness to try "set
the norm" for others.
If they would limit their abnormal views to themselves, I would have no
problem with it.

2020-08-06 07:25:55 UTC
Post by EXLEX
You are talking against empirical facts, ass-wipe. Let me try it again
- humans are desiged to be vegetarians. Get it this time, ass-wipe?

Here is the new and revised chart, comparing flesh-eaters to plant
eaters, as it appeared in Peter Cox's book, Why You Don't Need Meat,
from 1994. It is highly recommendable reading for those who care about
what they eat, and who care about the planet and its other


Hands / hoofs Claws as append- Hands as
as appendages ages appendages

Teeth flat Teeth sharp Teeth flat

Alkaline saliva; Acid saliva; no Alkaline saliva;
much ptyalin ptyalin enzyme much ptyalin
enzyme enzyme

Stomach acid 10 Much strong hydro- Stomach acid 10
times weaker chloride acid in times weaker than
than meat-eaters stomach meat-eaters

Long intestines Short intestines; Long intestines;
to digest nutrients rapidly excrete digest nutrients in
in plant foods fully putrefying flesh plant foods fully

Sweats to cool Pants to cool Sweats to cool
body body body

Sips water Laps water Sips water

Vitamin C obtained Vitamin C manu- Vitamin C obtained
solely from diet factured internally solely from diet

Exists largely on Consumes flesh Diet depends
fruit and nut diet; exclusively on environment

Grasping hands No manual dexte- Grasping hands
capable of using terity capable of using
tools and weapons tools and weapons

Inoffensive Putrid Offensiveness of
excrement excrement excrement depends on diet

Snack feeder Large meals infre- Combines worst of
frequently taken both worlds

Predominantly Preference for salty Likes both sweet and
sweet toothed / fatty food salty / fatty food

Likes to savor Bolts down Likes to savor food,
food, experiment food experiment with variety,
with variety, com- combine flavors
bine flavors

Large brains, able Small brains, less Large brains, able
to rationalize capable of adaptive to rationalize
2020-08-07 00:05:31 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Post by EXLEX
You are talking against empirical facts, ass-wipe. Let me try it again
- humans are desiged to be vegetarians. Get it this time, ass-wipe?
I you keep repeating it, you might end up believing it yourself.

Is this really your best argument?
"It is so, because I have said it before."

2020-08-08 01:56:00 UTC
bitch moan whine
Vedanta-sutra states - ananda-mayo 'bhyasat - the living entity is
pleasure seeking. Whatever people believe in, they are always after

Materialist know only bodily and mental enjoyment. The problems with
material enjoyment, though, is that it always ends and is replaced by

Actually, because we are spiritual beings, we hanker for eternal
pleasure. The constitution of the soul, as a particle of God, is
sat-chit-ananda. The soul is eternally happy and full of knowledge.
And therefore it is seen that all living entities in the material
world, whatever body the may inhabit, are always gravitating towards
the three - eternity, knowledge and bliss.

So regardless whether we are atheists, materialists, religious,
democrats, or whatever, we want to enjoy. The bad news for
materialists is that the enjoyment they get from the the body and mind
is the very cause of their suffering, for material enjoyment always
and without exception ends in lamentation.

Krishna says:

An intelligent person does not take part in the sources of misery,
which are due to contact with the material senses. O son of Kunti,
such pleasures have a beginning and an end, and so the wise man does
not delight in them. -Bg 5.22

Therefore, once the soul has finally arrived in a human body, after
countless of life-times in different lower species, enjoying eating,
sleeping, mating, and defending, it should wake up to it's original
position of eternal bliss.

The human life-form is a wake up call for the soul to get reinstated
in its natural position of eternity, knowledge, and bliss.

Vedanta-sutra states - athato brahma jijnasa - now the time has come
(meaning in this human life-form) to inquire into the absolute truth.
Only as souls in connection with the Supreme Soul - God - can we taste
the bliss for which we are always hankering, and which can never be
obtained as long as we identify with a material body.

The method to obtain spiritual bliss is by regularly chanting the holy
names of the Lord. ISKCON is the sankirtana movement brought to the
West by Srila Prabhupada, and which was begun by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
(who is God Himself), 500 years ago in Bengal. Sankirtana means the
congregational chanting of the holy names. It is the yuga-dharma -
religion of the age.

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu says:

Glory to the Sri Krishna sankirtana, which cleanses the heart of all
the dust accumulated for years and extinguishes the fire of
conditional life, of repeated birth and death. This sankirtana
movement is the prime benediction for humanity at large because it
spreads the rays of the benediction moon. It is the life of all
transcendental knowledge. It increases the ocean of transcendental
bliss, and it enables us to fully taste the nectar for which we are
always anxious. -Sri Sri Siksastakam 1
2020-08-08 08:08:20 UTC
bitch moan whine
I see you are becomming increasingly desperate in your "answers".

That "independent thinking" you so highly promote seems hard when you
need more than your copy/paste routine and insults.

So you really have nothing at all when pushed for answers?
Impressively weak.

2020-08-09 04:21:19 UTC
Post by EXLEX
I see you are becomming increasingly desperate in your "answers".
hahaha :D You wish...

Death is going to be a rude awakening for you, farmerboy.

Sustained happiness comes from the soul. The happiness that comes from
the body and mind can never be sustained. The happiness from
sense-gratification always ends in lamentation. In fact, bodily
enjoyment is the very cause of unhappiness.

Krishna says:

An intelligent person does not take part in the sources of misery,
which are due to contact with the material senses. O son of Kunti,
such pleasures have a beginning and an end, and so the wise man does
not delight in them. (Bg 5.22)

Why does God state here that bodily enjoyment is the source of misery?
Most people will say - so what if sense-enjoyment is temporary? It
feels good while it lasts. Why should we deny ourselves pleasure where
ever it’s available?

The reason is that God wants us to be happy, eternally happy, and in
Bhagavad Gita He advises us how to obtain sustained happiness. He does
that by pointing us in the direction of our real selves.

The bottom line in the material world is suffering, for the simple
reason that everything ends in old age, disease and death.

The only way to escape the fundamental suffering of living in a
material body, is to cultivate spiritual knowledge. Spiritual
knowledge begins with knowing the difference between matter and spirit
- the difference between the body /mind and the self.

Only by knowing oneself as an eternal particle of consciousness, can
one gain real happiness. Real happiness is a constant fact. Real
happiness is not constantly interrupted by misery. People in the
modern world are not educated in real happiness. In fact, they confuse
bodily and mental pleasures with happiness.

In the modern Consumer civilization people are indoctrinated into
believing that sense-enjoyment will create happiness for them. Indeed,
bodily and mental enjoyment is the only type of happiness people know
of. But sense-enjoyment is merely a temporary pause in the suffering
of the body and mind.

Sex, for instance, is regarded by most people to be the highest joy
available. But sex-lust and sex-enjoyment are merely an attempt to
escape the suffering of being without sex. It's misery to live in
forced celibacy. Anyone who has reached puberty can testify to that.

Or eating. To eat is considered to be one of life's major enjoyments.
But actually, to eat is just an attempt to escape the suffering of
hunger. People of the Western culture don't know what it means to
suffer from famine, but it is a great suffering experienced by many
people in the world.

And that's how it is with most of the enjoyment we seek and
experience. Eating, sleeping, mating, and defending are the four
activities humans have in common with all other living entities. In
the modern world, however, it has become the foremost goal to fulfill
and satisfy these four needs.

They have been made the standard of happiness and enjoyment in life.
What do we do together with our loved ones, with our family and
friends? We eat, we sleep, we mate, and we defend. The entire
civilization revolves around these four activities. That's an animal
civilization. Humans are expected to have a higher goal in life than
merely satisfying basic, bodily and mental urges.

Millions of tons of iron are extracted from the earth to make pots,
knives and forks. Whole forests are cut down to make serviettes and
napkins. Add to that the industry to manufacture cups and glasses etc.
And for sleeping - beds, mattresses, pillows, quilts, covers, the list
goes on and on. A massive enterprise - all of it, just to eat and
sleep. What to speak of the meat-industry, the second largest industry
in the world, only topped by the defense industry.

So the global culture is basically one giant industrial setup to
fulfill basic bodily needs.

The fact is that the Western civilization is an exploitative
civilization that rapes and plunders nature, and puts her inhabitants
through untold suffering. And it’s proudly called the industrialized,
developed world. It’s a civilization that is basically creating hell
on earth for countless of living entities.

Anyway, the happiness that can be obtained by surrendering to
Krishna's enjoyment is so far superior to the happiness that can be
squeezed out of matter, that sex with the most beautiful women become
like broken glass in comparison.

Krishna says:

O learned Uddhava, those who fix their consciousness on Me, giving up
all material desires, share with Me a happiness that cannot possibly
be experienced by those engaged in sense gratification.

--Srimad Bhagavatam 11.14.12
2020-08-09 06:04:55 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Post by EXLEX
I see you are becomming increasingly desperate in your "answers".
hahaha :D You wish...
I don't need to "wish" - the reality has already caught up with your
ramblings. They become more and more incoherent.
Surely you are in need of something...

