Hvad er Ursuppen?
(for gammel til at besvare)
2020-08-24 01:13:20 UTC

På et cafeteria et eller andet sted i København.

(raslen af knive og gafler på porcelæn)

Servetrice: Hvad skulle det være?

Kunde: Jeg vil gerne have en gang suppe, tak.

Servitrice: Selvfølgelig. Hvilken slags? Vi har hønse, okse, eller

Kunde: Hvad indeholder ursuppen.

Servitrice: Jeg ved det faktisk ikke, Hr.

-Kan de spørge kokken. Jeg nødt til at vide det. Jeg er vegetar
forstår de.

-Det kan ikke lade sig gøre, hr, for kokken laver ikke denne suppe.

-Laver kokken ikke suppen? Hvem gør det så? Jeg kan ikke spise noget,
jeg ikke kender indholdet i.

-Jeg ved det lyder skørt, men vi ved ikke hvem der laver den. Den er
der bare hver morgen, når vi åbner op.

(Kunden, som nu er begyndt at lyde en anelse utålmodig):
-Hvad siger de. Er suppen der bare? Vil de virkelig fortælle mig, at
ingen laver den?

-Det er rigtig, hr. Gryden med suppen står bare på komfuret hver
morgen, når vi åbner butikken. En kæmpe gryde. Den er meget populær.
De studerende kommer ind hver dag og spiser i læssevis. Der plejer at
være udsolgt før middag. Den er meget velsmagende. De sku' virkelig
prøve den.

-Men de ved altså ikke, hvem der laver den?

-Desværre, jeg ved det ikke. Vil de prøve alligevel?

-Glem det, jeg har fået nok af det her nonsens. Jeg tror jeg går hen
et andet sted og får noget at spise.

(Kunden rejser sig og begynder at gå mod udgangen)

(Servitricen råber efter ham)

-Vent, hr, måske kunne de tænke dem nogle af vore 'missing-link'

(Kunden smækker døren efter sig uden at svare)

(kokken kommer ud)

-Hej, Else, hvad er der galt?

-Du ved, Karl, der er bare nogle mennesker, der ikke køber den der med

-Det skal du ikke bryde dig om, min skat, når bare det er så få, har
vi ikke noget at bekymre os om.

Poul Nielsen
2020-08-24 11:31:55 UTC
Post by Jahnu
På et cafeteria et eller andet sted i København.
(raslen af knive og gafler på porcelæn)
-Hej, Else, hvad er der galt?
-Du ved, Karl, der er bare nogle mennesker, der ikke køber den der med
-Det skal du ikke bryde dig om, min skat, når bare det er så få, har
vi ikke noget at bekymre os om.
Ursuppen er i virkeligheden abiogenese
2020-08-25 01:28:50 UTC
On Mon, 24 Aug 2020 13:31:55 +0200, Poul Nielsen
Post by Poul Nielsen
Ursuppen er i virkeligheden abiogenese
"In the view of such harmony in the cosmos which I, with my limited
human mind, am able to recognize, there are yet people who say there
is no God. But what makes me really angry is that they quote me for
support for such views." -- Albert Einstein

The more I study science, the more I believe in God.
---Albert Einstein

"Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival
of life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet"
-Albert Einstein
2020-08-25 15:06:47 UTC
Post by Jahnu
On Mon, 24 Aug 2020 13:31:55 +0200, Poul Nielsen
Post by Poul Nielsen
Ursuppen er i virkeligheden abiogenese
"In the view of such harmony in the cosmos which I, with my limited
human mind, am able to recognize, there are yet people who say there
is no God. But what makes me really angry is that they quote me for
support for such views." -- Albert Einstein
The more I study science, the more I believe in God.
---Albert Einstein
"Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival
of life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet"
-Albert Einstein
Ak ja...
Hvis skomageren Einstein ville være blevet ved sin læst, så kunne man
måske tro på, at han altid udtrykte sig intelligent.

2020-08-26 03:41:56 UTC
Post by EXLEX
Ak ja...
Hvis skomageren Einstein ville være blevet ved sin læst, så kunne man
måske tro på, at han altid udtrykte sig intelligent.
hahaha :) I jeres forståelse af verden, er du er som et dørhåndtag i
forhold til Einstein... og ligeså uniteressant. Du har jo intet at
tilbyde verden, Jydedreng, og det piner dig ad helvede til.

Prøv at se, Gud snakker om undermennesker som sig.

Krishna siger:

De, der er skamløst tåbelige, de, der er lavest blandt mennesker, de,
hvis viden er blevet stjålet af illusion, og, de, der deltager
dæmonernes ateistiske natur, overgiver sig aldrig til Mig. (Bg. 7.15)
Thomas Corell
2020-08-26 05:34:33 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Post by EXLEX
Ak ja...
Hvis skomageren Einstein ville være blevet ved sin læst, så kunne man
måske tro på, at han altid udtrykte sig intelligent.
hahaha :) I jeres forståelse af verden, er du er som et dørhåndtag i
forhold til Einstein... og ligeså uniteressant. Du har jo intet at
tilbyde verden, Jydedreng, og det piner dig ad helvede til.
Hvis du er i et lukket rum, vil du så helst have et dørhåndtag til døren
ud, eller en Einstein ?

(og da kotumen i denne tråd er at citere)
"to a hammer everything looks like a nail"
If it shouldn't be like this, it wouldn't be like this
2020-08-26 22:06:47 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Post by EXLEX
Ak ja...
Hvis skomageren Einstein ville være blevet ved sin læst, så kunne man
måske tro på, at han altid udtrykte sig intelligent.
hahaha :) I jeres forståelse af verden, er du er som et dørhåndtag i
forhold til Einstein...
Interessant sammenligning.
Og alligevel ville Einstein være på røven uden dørhåndtag....

...Mens dørhåndtaget ville klare sig udmærket uden Einstein.

2020-08-27 04:23:30 UTC
hvine klynke klage
Obviously, nobody is an atheist due to lack of evidence of God. In
fact, the last thing an atheist wants, is proof of God. The whole
world is proof of an intelligent designer. One becomes an atheist when
one does not want God in his life, not because there is no proof of
God. It’s as simple as that.

I mean, I can understand why someone would be against certain
religions. The theology of the Abrahamic religions, for instance, is
largely sectarian nonsense.

But to deny the obvious intelligent design observable in nature, to
actually suggest the world created itself out of a bunch of chemicals,
that’s just plain dumb.

Of course, only God can prove who He is, but there is empiric proof of
His existence. The irreducible complexity of living organisms is the
logical proof of the Intelligent Design of nature. So ID is a direct,
observable fact of nature. Thus, ID comprises the empirical proof of

Irreducible complexity is like a car engine, where all the parts of
the engine are interdependent in their functions. The cylinders
function only in combination with the pistons, the pistons function
only in connection with the spark plugs, the spark plugs depend on the
electric system for their function, and son on. All the components of
the engine work only in combination with each-other.

In other words, a car engine is only functional as a complete unit. If
one component fails, the whole engine fails. Hence the term
irreducible complexity.

IOW, the idea that abiogenesis and evolution, with no guiding
intelligence behind it, produced all the living species, is basically
an affront to a working intellect.

To say, like atheists do, that the universe created itself out of a
bunch of chemicals, is like saying that a Mercedes Benz created itself
without any creative intelligence behind it.

Professor Werner Gitt, who works in the field of information science

"There is no known natural law through which matter can give rise to
information, neither is there any physical process or material
phenomenon known that can do this. All languages, alphabets, and codes
that we know of, as well as the information spoken or written in them,
originated in minds. The blind faith of the atheist that the first
life was an exception to this fact is contrary to all known evidence."

(Werner Gitt, In the Beginning Was Information, 1997, p. 79)

In my mind, however, apart from the fact that the ID observable in
nature is proof of God, and, say, if one’s brain is not equipped to
handle logic and reason, the best proof of God is that you become
totally happy by adding Krishna to your life.

Someone may object - you also become happy by smoking some dope or
winning the lottery, or having sex, what’s the difference? How is that
proof of God?

The thing about bodily or mental pleasures, though, is that they don’t
make the soul happy. Connecting to Krishna makes the soul happy, and
contrary to sense-gratification, which always ends in misery and
leaves you frustrated, the happiness of the soul is a constant fact.
Not only does the happiness of the soul not end, it only increases
more and more. It’s a deep and lasting bliss that is never interrupted
by suffering.

Sure, you may break a leg, your wife may leave you, your children may
think you’re a complete loser, or you may be depressed due to lack of
money, but the deep satisfaction of Krishna consciousness, once
established, never leaves the heart. And that’s the proof that Krishna
is God.

So, as the saying goes - the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

Krishna says:

O learned Uddhava, those who fix their consciousness on Me, giving up
all material desires, share with Me a happiness that cannot possibly
be experienced by those engaged in sense gratification. --Srimad
Bhagavatam 11.14.12
2020-08-29 14:45:56 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Obviously, nobody is an atheist due to lack of evidence of God.
That "evidence" obviously isn't marginally convincing.
Post by Jahnu
The theology of the Abrahamic religions, for instance, is
largely sectarian nonsense.
So jews, christians and muslims are lead by nonsense?
Post by Jahnu
O learned Uddhava, those who fix their consciousness on Me, giving up
all material desires, share with Me a happiness that cannot possibly
be experienced by those engaged in sense gratification. --Srimad
Bhagavatam 11.14.12
That "happiness" obviously isn't clear enough for observation and dosn't
seem appealing enough for others to copy.
So basicly either the product is suspect, or the explanition of it is
below standard for a "god".

2020-08-30 06:27:25 UTC
hvine klynke klage
Lord Brahma says:

One attains the human form of life after transmigrating through
8,400,000 species by the process of gradual evolution. That human life
is spoiled for those conceited fools who do not take shelter of the
lotus feet of Govinda.

--Brahma-vaivarta Purana
2020-08-30 10:42:58 UTC
Post by Jahnu
One attains the human form of life after transmigrating through
8,400,000 species by the process of gradual evolution. That human life
is spoiled for those conceited fools who do not take shelter of the
lotus feet of Govinda.
Become the greatest living creature of all...
...so you can subject yourself to something else...

Clearly those with such a desire have not "evolved" beyond the stage of
a dog.

2020-09-01 22:38:33 UTC
Post by EXLEX
Clearly those with such a desire have not "evolved" beyond the stage of
a dog.
The basic illusion that covers the soul in the material world is that
he thinks he's the enjoyer. Factually Krishna is the only enjoyer. The
original sin is that we are envious of God's position as the only
enjoyer. An objection often heard is, but how can I be envious of
someone whom I don't believe exists?

The envy consists of, that we try to take Krishna's position as the
enjoyer and controller. In reality everything exists in the spiritual
realm for Krishna's pleasure. Everything on the spiritual plane
revolves around Krishna's enjoyment. But Krishna is so kind that He
has made this material world, wherein the fallen souls can try and
imitate Him as enjoyers and controllers.

Some souls have fallen, because, at one point in eternity, the idea
arose in them - how come Krishna is the center of everything here? Why
is He the only enjoyer? As soon as that idea manifests in the soul, he
falls down to the material world.

The original position of the soul is to be enjoyed by Krishna. But in
his deluded, fallen condition, the soul instead tries to enjoy a
material body. So that is the original sin - to want to take Krishna's
position as the enjoyer and controller. It's like a disease.

Sense-enjoyment or bodily enjoyment is like a narcotic for the soul.
And in this connection I'd like to welcome you to SA - Sense-enjoyers
Sense-gratification is the addiction of the soul. We often talk about
drug addictions. An addiction to heroin, for instance, is almost
impossible to conquer. So just like a person is addicted to heroin, so
the soul is addicted to sense-gratification.

In NA people get help overcoming their addiction to drugs. At the
first meeting you attend, you are supposed to state your name and
recognize, you are a drug-addict. You go, hello, my name is Michael
and I am addicted to heroin. Hello Michael, the assembly answers.

Similarly, in SA you go, Hare Krishna, my name is Jiva, and I am
addicted to sense-enjoyment. Hare Krishna Jiva, the assembled devotees
greet you. The addiction the soul has to sense-enjoyment is exactly as
severe and as difficult to overcome, as a person's addiction to

In NA they teach you, that the only way to overcome your addiction to
drugs, is to petition a higher power for help. You have to recognize a
higher power outside yourself, and get help from that. And this method
works. It is a statistical fact.

In SA we are so fortunate, that by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada we
know Who that higher power is, and we know how to contact Him. So by
petitioning Krishna by constantly chanting his name loudly in song og
quietly in meditation, He will help us overcome our addiction to
sense-gratification. And it is a scientific fact that can be
investigated and verified by anyone who may so desire.

If we refuse to accept that we are sense-enjoyment-addicts, in fact,
if in stead we make it the goal of life, the result will be the
disease of repeated birth and death. Some people will object, but life
is not a disease. I have a good time in the material world. I don't

But the point is that all bodily enjoyment invariably ends in
suffering sooner or later for the simple reason that the inevitable
destination of the body is disease, old age, and death. This would be
a depressing realization, were it not for the fact that there is a
solution - to return back to one's identity as Krishna's soul, meant
to be enjoyed by Him. It can seem like a contradiction, but the truth
is that if we wish to experience the highest form of happiness, we
have to give up the futile attempt to become happy in the material
world by bodily gratification, and surrender fully to Krishna's

By assisting Krishna in His enjoyment the soul will experience a
higher satisfaction than the happiness it can get from matter. And it
is only in the human life-form that the option is there for the soul
to return back to its original position of eternity, knowledge, and
bliss. Eating, sleeping, mating, and defending, the soul can do in any
life-form. Only in the human form of life can it realize its original,
eternal position and purpose.

Krishna says:

O learned Uddhava, those who fix their consciousness on Me, giving up
all material desires, share with Me a happiness that cannot possibly
be experienced by those engaged in sense gratification. --Srimad
Bhagavatam 11.14.12
2020-09-02 00:36:34 UTC
En suppe som de serverede i Ur.

