How does the soul enter a new-born?
(for gammel til at besvare)
2020-08-17 01:12:56 UTC
At the time of intercourse, at conception, the soul enters the female
womb via the male sperm-cell. The soul is already there from the point
of the fetus’ development from a single cell.

Lord Kapila says:

Under the supervision of the Supreme Lord and according to the result
of his work, the living entity, the soul, is made to enter into the
womb of a woman through the particle of male semen to assume a
particular type of body.

On the first night, the sperm and ovum mix, and on the fifth night the
mixture ferments into a bubble. On the tenth night it develops into a
form like a plum, and after that, it gradually turns into a lump of
flesh or an egg, as the case may be.

In the course of a month, a head is formed, and at the end of two
months the hands, feet and other limbs take shape. By the end of three
months, the nails, fingers, toes, body hair, bones and skin appear, as
do the organ of generation and the other apertures in the body, namely
the eyes, nostrils, ears, mouth and anus.

Within four months from the date of conception, the seven essential
ingredients of the body, namely chyle, blood, flesh, fat, bone, marrow
and semen, come into existence. At the end of five months, hunger and
thirst make themselves felt, and at the end of six months, the fetus,
enclosed by the amnion, begins to move on the right side of the

Deriving its nutrition from the food and drink taken by the mother,
the fetus grows and remains in that abominable residence of stools and
urine, which is the breeding place of all kinds of worms.

Bitten again and again all over the body by the hungry worms in the
abdomen itself, the child suffers terrible agony because of his
tenderness. He thus becomes unconscious moment after moment because of
the terrible condition.

Owing to the mother's eating bitter, pungent foodstuffs, or food which
is too salty or too sour, the body of the child incessantly suffers
pains which are almost intolerable.

Placed within the amnion and covered outside by the intestines, the
child remains lying on one side of the abdomen, his head turned
towards his belly and his back and neck arched like a bow.

The child thus remains just like a bird in a cage, without freedom of
movement. At that time, if the child is fortunate, he can remember all
the troubles of his past one hundred births, and he grieves
wretchedly. What is the possibility of peace of mind in that

Thus endowed with the development of consciousness from the seventh
month after his conception, the child is tossed downward by the airs
that press the embryo during the weeks preceding delivery. Like the
worms born of the same filthy abdominal cavity, he cannot remain in
one place.

The living entity in this frightful condition of life, bound by seven
layers of material ingredients, prays with folded hands, appealing to
the Lord, who has put him in that condition.

The human soul says:

I take shelter of the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of
Godhead, who appears in His various eternal forms and walks on the
surface of the world. I take shelter of Him only, because He can give
me relief from all fear and from Him I have received this condition of
life, which is just befitting my impious activities.

I, the pure soul, appearing now bound by my activities, am lying in
the womb of my mother by the arrangement of maya. I offer my
respectful obeisances unto Him who is also here with me but who is
unaffected and changeless. He is unlimited, but He is perceived in the
repentant heart. To Him I offer my respectful obeisances.

I am separated from the Supreme Lord because of my being in this
material body, which is made of five elements, and therefore my
qualities and senses are being misused, although I am essentially
spiritual. Because the Supreme Personality of Godhead is
transcendental to material nature and the living entities, because He
is devoid of such a material body, and because He is always glorious
in His spiritual qualities, I offer my obeisances unto Him.

The human soul further prays: The living entity is put under the
influence of material nature and continues a hard struggle for
existence on the path of repeated birth and death. This conditional
life is due to his forgetfulness of his relationship with the Supreme
Personality of Godhead. Therefore, without the Lord's mercy, how can
he again engage in the transcendental loving service of the Lord?

No one other than the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as the localized
Paramatma, the partial representation of the Lord, is directing all
inanimate and animate objects. He is present in the three phases of
time-past, present and future. Therefore, the conditioned soul is
engaged in different activities by His direction, and in order to get
free from the threefold miseries of this conditional life, we have to
surrender unto Him only.

Fallen into a pool of blood, stool and urine within the abdomen of his
mother, his own body scorched by the mother's gastric fire, the
embodied soul, anxious to get out, counts his months and prays, "O my
Lord, when shall I, a wretched soul, be released from this

My dear Lord, by Your causeless mercy I am awakened to consciousness,
although I am only ten months old. For this causeless mercy of the
Supreme Personality of Godhead, the friend of all fallen souls, there
is no way to express my gratitude but to pray with folded hands.

The living entity in another type of body sees only by instinct; he
knows only the agreeable and disagreeable sense perceptions of that
particular body. But I have a body in which I can control my senses
and can understand my destination; therefore, I offer my respectful
obeisances to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, by whom I have been
blessed with this body and by whose grace I can see Him within and

—Srimad Bhagavatam 3.31.1 -19

After that, the fetus is forced out of hole much too little, and born
in shock, and forgets everything. One can read about this in the next
section of verses, omitted here for brevity.

Srila Prabhupada explains:

The evolutionary process of different types of bodies is something
like that of a fructifying flower. Just as there are different stages
in the growth of a flower -- the bud stage, the blooming stage and the
full -- fledged, grown-up stage of aroma and beauty -- similarly,
there are 8,400,000 species of bodies in gradual evolution, and there
is systematic progress from the lower species of life to the higher.

The human form of life is supposed to be the highest, for it offers
consciousness for getting out of the clutches of birth and death. The
fortunate child in the womb of his mother realizes his superior
position and is thereby distinguished from other bodies.

Animals in bodies lower than that of the human being are conscious
only as far as their bodily distress and happiness are concerned; they
cannot think of more than their bodily necessities of life-eating,
sleeping, mating and defending.

But in the human form of life, by the grace of God, the consciousness
is so developed that a man can evaluate his exceptional position and
thus realize the self and the Supreme Lord.

The word dama-sariri means that we have a body in which we can control
the senses and the mind. The complication of materialistic life is due
to an uncontrolled mind and uncontrolled senses. One should feel
grateful to the Supreme Personality of Godhead for having obtained
such a nice human form of body, and one should properly utilize it.

The distinction between an animal and a man is that the animal cannot
control himself and has no sense of decency, whereas the human being
has the sense of decency and can control himself. If this controlling
power is not exhibited by the human being, then he is no better than
an animal.

By controlling the senses, or by the process of yoga regulation, one
can understand the position of his self, the Supersoul, the world and
their interrelation; everything is possible by controlling the senses.
Otherwise, we are no better than animals.

Real self-realization by means of controlling the senses is explained
herein. One should try to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead and
one's own self also. To think oneself the same as the Supreme is not
self-realization. Here it is clearly explained that the Supreme Lord
is anadi, or purana, and He has no other cause.

The living entity is born of the Supreme Godhead as part and parcel.
It is confirmed in the Brahma-samhita, anadir adir govindah: Govinda,
the Supreme person, has no cause. He is unborn. But the living entity
is born of Him.

As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita, mamaivamsah: both the living entity and
the Supreme Lord are unborn, but it has to be understood that the
supreme cause of the part and parcel is the Supreme Personality of
Godhead. Brahma-samhita therefore says that everything has come from
the Supreme Personality of Godhead (sarva-karana-karanam [Bs. 5.1]).

The Vedanta-sutra confirms this also. Janmady asya yatah: [SB 1.1.1]
the Absolute Truth is the original source of everyone's birth. Krishna
also says in Bhagavad-gita, aham sarvasya prabhavah: [Bg. 10.8]

"I am the source of birth of everything, including Brahma and Lord
Shiva and the living entities."

This is self-realization. One should know that he is under the control
of the Supreme Lord and not think that he is fully independent.
Otherwise, why should he be put into conditional life?
2020-08-17 02:52:17 UTC
Den 17-08-2020 kl. 03:12 skrev Jahnu:
Clearly you flunked biology and are far more gullible than even I imagined.

2020-08-18 14:04:45 UTC
Clearly Ah flunked biology and is far more gullible than even Ah imagined.
No wonder you stink like a cadaver, farmerboy.


The New York Times, Tuesday, June 20, 1989

The Hunger Argument

Number of people worldwide who will die of starvation this year: 60

Number of people who could be adequately fed with the grain saved if
Americans reduced their intake of meat by 10 perc.: 60 million

Human beings in America: 243 million

Number of people who could be fed with grain and soybeans now eaten by
U.S. livestock: 1.3 billion

Percentage of corn grown in the U.S. eaten by people: 20

Percentage of corn grown in the U.S. eaten by livestock: 80

Percentage of oats grown in the U.S. eaten by livestock: 95

Percentage of protein waste by cycling grain through livestock: 99

How frequently a child starves to death: every 2 seconds

Pounds of potatoes that can be grown on an acre: 20.OOO

Pounds of beef produced on an acre: 165

Percentage of U.S. farmland devoted to beef production: 56

Pounds of grain and soybeans needed to produce a pound of beef: 16

The Environmental Argument

Cause of global warming: greenhouse effect

Primary cause of greenhouse effect: carbon dioxide emissions from
fossil fuels.

Fossil fuels needed to produce a meat-centered diet vs. a meat-free
diet: 50 times more

Percentage of U.S. topsoil lost to date: 75

Percentage of U.S. topsoil loss directly related to livestock raising:

Number of acres of U.S. forest cleared for cropland to produce
meat-centered diet: 260 million

Amount of meat U.S. imports annually from Costa Rica, El Salvador,
Guatemala, Honduras and Panama: 200 million pounds

Average per capita meat consumption in Costa Rica, El Salvador,
Guatemala, Honduras and Panama: less than eaten by average U.S.

Area of tropical rainforest consumed in every 1/4 pound hamburger: 55

Current rate of species extinction due to destruction of tropical
rainforests for meat grazing and other uses: 1.000 per year

The Cancer Argument

Increased risk of breast cancer for women who eat meat 4 times a week
vs. less than once a week: 4 times

For women who eat eggs daily vs. less than once a week: 3 times

Increased risk of fatal ovarian cancer for women who eat eggs 3 or
more times a week vs. less than once a week: 3 times

Increased risk of fatal prostate cancer for men who eat meat daily vs.
sparingly or not at all: 3.6 times

The Natural Resources Argument

Use of more than half of all water used for all purposes in the U.S.:
livestock portion.

Amount of water used in production of the average steer: sufficient to
float a destroyer.

Gallons to produce a pound of wheat: 25

Gallons to produce a pound of meat: 2.500

Cost of common hamburger if water used by meat industry was not
subsidized by the U.S. taxpayer: 35 dollars a pound

Current cost of pound of protein from beefsteak, if water was no
longer subsidized: 89 dollars

Years the world's known oil reserves would last if every human ate a
meat-centered diet: 13

Years they would last if human beings no longer ate meat: 260

Barrels of oil imported into U.S. daily: 6.8 million

Percentage of fossil fuel returned as food energy by most efficient
factory farming of meat: 34.5

Percentage returned from least efficient plant food: 32.8

Percentage of raw materials consumed by U.S. to produce present
meat-centered diet: 33

The Cholesterol Argument

Number of U.S. medical schools: 125

Number requiring a course in nutrition: 30

Nutrition training received by average U.S. physician during four
years in medical school: 25 hours

Most common cause of death in U.S.: heart attack

How frequently a heart attack kills in U.S.: every 45 seconds

Average U.S. man's risk of death from heart attack: 50 perc.

Risk for average U.S. man who avoids the meat-centered diet: 15 perc.

Meat industry claims you should not be concerned about your blood
cholesterol if it is: normal

Your risk of dying of a disease caused by clogged arteries if your
blood cholesterol is ?normal?: over 50 perc.

The Antibiotic Argument

Percentage of U.S. antibiotics fed to livestock: 55

Percentage of staphylococci infections resistant to penicillin in
1960: 13

Percentage resistant in 1988: 91

Response of European Economic Community to routine feeding of
antibiotics to livestock: ban

Response of U.S. meat and pharmaceutical industries to routine feeding
of antibiotics to livestock: full and complete support

The Pesticide Argument

Percentage of pesticide residues in the U.S. diet supplied by grains:

Percentage of pesticide residues in the U.S. diet supplied by fruits:

Percentage of pesticide residues in the U.S. diet suppl. by dairy
products: 23

Percentage of pesticide residues in the U.S. diet supplied by meat: 55

Pesticide contamination of breast milk from meat-eating mothers vs.
non meat-eating: 35 times higher

What USDA tells us: meat is inspected

Percentage of slaughtered animals inspected for residues of toxin
chemicals including dioxin and DDT: less than 0.00004

The Ethical Argument

Number of animals killed for meat per hour in U.S.: 500.000

Occupation with highest turnover rate in U.S.: slaughterhouse worker

Occupation with highest rate of on-the-job injury in
U.S:slaughterhouse worker

Cost to render animal unconscious with captive bolt pistol before
slaughter.: 1 cent

Reason given by meat industry for non using that pistol: too expensive

The Survival Argument

Athlete to win Ironman Triathlon more than twice: Dave Scott (6 time
winner) Food choices of Dave Scott: Vegetarian

Largest meat eater than ever lived: Tyrannosaurus Rex

Last sighting of Tyrannosaurus Rex: 100.000.000 B.C.

Famous vegetarians:
Candice Bergen, David Bowie, Paul Mc Cartney, Darryl Hannah, Janet
Jackson, k.d.lang, Sting

'I am a great eater of beef, and I believe that does harm to my wit.'
--William Shakespeare "Twelfth Night," Act I, Scene 3
2020-08-18 21:17:58 UTC
Post by Jahnu
Clearly Ah flunked biology and is far more gullible than even Ah imagined.
No wonder you stink like a cadaver, farmerboy.
....simple... don't start...
...then you can keep telling yourself that you "have won", and might
even start to believe it some day....

2020-08-21 01:28:33 UTC
hvine klynke klage
Here is the new and revised chart, comparing flesh-eaters to plant
eaters, as it appeared in Peter Cox's book, Why You Don't Need Meat,
from 1994. It is highly recommendable reading for those who care about
what they eat, and who care about the planet and its other


Hands / hoofs Claws as append- Hands as
as appendages ages appendages

Teeth flat Teeth sharp Teeth flat

Alkaline saliva; Acid saliva; no Alkaline saliva;
much ptyalin ptyalin enzyme much ptyalin
enzyme enzyme

Stomach acid 10 Much strong hydro- Stomach acid 10
times weaker chloride acid in times weaker than
than meat-eaters stomach meat-eaters

Long intestines Short intestines; Long intestines;
to digest nutrients rapidly excrete digest nutrients in
in plant foods fully putrefying flesh plant foods fully

Sweats to cool Pants to cool Sweats to cool
body body body

Sips water Laps water Sips water

Vitamin C obtained Vitamin C manu- Vitamin C obtained
solely from diet factured internally solely from diet

Exists largely on Consumes flesh Diet depends
fruit and nut diet; exclusively on environment

Grasping hands No manual dexte- Grasping hands
capable of using terity capable of using
tools and weapons tools and weapons

Inoffensive Putrid Offensiveness of
excrement excrement excrement depends on diet

Snack feeder Large meals infre- Combines worst of
frequently taken both worlds

Predominantly Preference for salty Likes both sweet and
sweet toothed / fatty food salty / fatty food

Likes to savor Bolts down Likes to savor food,
food, experiment food experiment with variety,
with variety, com- combine flavors
bine flavors

Large brains, able Small brains, less Large brains, able
to rationalize capable of adaptive to rationalize
2020-08-22 04:33:37 UTC
When reading your desciption of how the fetus is the victim of
"attacking worms", one start to wonder about the sanity behind this
story and suspect your soul was forced upon you and jammed into a cavity
without sufficient room.

2020-08-23 01:40:20 UTC
bitch moan whine
As far as eating is concerned, humans are the most stupid animals on
the planet. We kill billions of wild animals to protect the animals
that we eat. We are destroying our environment to feed the animals
that we eat. We spend more time, money and resources fattening up the
animals that we eat, than we do feeding humans who are dying of
hunger. The greatest irony of this is that after all the expenses of
raising these animals, we eat them; and they kill us slowly... And
rather than recognize this madness, we torture and murder millions of
other animals to find cure to diseases caused by eating animals in the
first place.

-- Mike Anderson
2020-08-23 14:17:18 UTC
Det kan være, at den bliver klasket på ryggen af den nyfødte, når barnet
forlader moderens krop?

En åndelig "post-it"?

2020-08-24 08:17:05 UTC
Post by EXLEX
Det kan være, at den bliver klasket på ryggen af den nyfødte, når barnet
forlader moderens krop?
En åndelig "post-it"?
Det er ikke meget, der forgår i kødhjernen, hva?


<Larm fra byen>

Et ældre ægtepar er lige ankommet til København.

-Nå, Sylvia, hvad synes du så vi skulle lave?

-Prøv at se den bus. Virkeligheds-sightseeing står der.

<en guides uforskammede stemme hørres i baggrunden>

-Virkeligheds-sightseeing kører nu. Alle stiger på bussen. Kom nu,
hurtigt. Vi har ikke meget tid.!!

- Tænk Sylvia, tror du vi får nogle af de kendte at se?

-Karl, lad os prøve det. Det lyder da spændende.

<lyden af Karl og Sylvia og de andre passagerer, der går ombord på

<guide med høj, fræk, uforfalsket Nørrebro dialekt>

-Ok, godtfolk, så er det tid til vores første stop. Cancer-klinikken
på Hvidovre Hospital. Kom nu folk, vi har ikke meget tid.

<på cancerklinikken - den usandsynlige lyd af 50 mennesker der hoster
højt og vedvarende>

<guiden med saglig stemme over larmen>

-Her ser vi et udvalg af forskeligge former for kræft. Her i det her
rum, har vi folk med lungekræft. Prøv at se fyren her med en slange
ned gennem halsen. Hør hvor han raller. Han er snart færdig. Se her,
der en anden. Halvdelen af hans kæbe er væk. Jeg tror han har røget
for meget. Og her i det tilstødende rum har vi afdelingen for mave-og

<guidens stemme aftager i styrke, mens han fortsætter med at beskrive
det ene horrible tilfælde efter det andet>

<over guidens bablen høres Sylvia>

-Du Karl, tror du, der måske ligger nogle af de kendte her, vi skal
kigge på.

Guide: -Ok folkens, så'r det nok. Tilbage i bussen. Hurtigt, vi har
ikke meget tid.

<tilbage i bussen>

Guide: -Ok folk, her er vores næste stop. Hjemmet for evnesvage børn!!

<en lyd der øger i styrke da en gruppe retarderede børn nærmer sig

Sylvia med alarm i stemmen: -Se Karl, Gud jeg tror minsandten de har
tænkt sig at komme ind i bussen.

-Rolig nu, Sylvia. Måske er det nogle af de kendtes børn.

<lyden af 20 retarderede børns mumlen og jamren stiger til et
crescendo idet gruppen træder ind i bussen>

Sylvia med panik i stenmmen: -Karl! Få dem væk fra mig. Karl! (hun
bliver hysterisk) Karl, de kravler op på mig!

Guide råber: -alright unger! Kravl ned fra damen. Sådan. Tilbage til
afdelingen. Det var godt. Nu kører vi videre til vores næste
bestemmelsessted! Slagtehuset!

<børnene fader ud af bussen>

<slagtehuslyd - kyllinger, grise, får, køer i en forenet skrækkens

Guide beskriver scenen henover lyden af halse der bliver skåret over,
lemmer der bliver hugget af, indvolde der slasker ned på kakkelgulvet
blandet med dyrenes ynkelige protest skrig:

-Her liner de køerne op til elektrisk stød. Prøv at se hvordan dyrenes
panik tiltager efterhånden som de nærmer sig manden med pistolen. Her
klynges de op i bagbenene og deres hals bliver skåret over endnu mens
de er i live. Se hvordan den næste man ved samlebåndet krænger
indvoldene ud med ét eneste veløvet snit fra bryst til anus. Prøv at
se hvordan slagterne vader i slim og indvolde op til anklerne. Godt de
har gummistøvler på.

Sylvia, nu nærmest i shocktilstand: -Åh Karl, jeg tror ikke jeg kan
holde det her ud. Det er jo forfærdeligt. Du må snakke med det der
uhyggelige menneske og kræve at få besked om, hvad det drejer sig om.

<Sylvia bliver askegrå i ansigtet. Hun har kvalme>

<lyden af Sylvia der kaster op i stråler ud på gulvet. Karl forsøger
lamt at trøste hende>

Carl med vrede og uro i stemmen henvender sig til guiden: -Se nu,
brutale fyr, hvad du har gjort med min kone. Vi troede vi sku' se
virkeligheden. Jeg kræver en forkla..

Guide afbryder ham uforskammet: -Luk kajen, mand! Du sagde, du ville
se virkeligheden.. well, det her er virkelighed for nogle. Kom nu bare
og se virkeligheden. Hvad brokker du dig over? Du har betalt for det

Guide fortsætter sin gennemgang: - Se folkens på den der kæmpemæssige
kødkværn. Al blodet, indvoldene og pløret fra gulvet bliver hældt der
op i, og ud af den anden ende kommer der pølser og hamburgere og andre
dejlige ting for ganen.

Sylvia jamrer sig over guidens stemme der fortsætter med at beskrive
den helvedesagtige proces, der er igang på slagteriet:

-Karl, jeg kan ikke ta' det her mere. Der er den mest afsindige
ulækre strank her inde. Jeg tror jeg skal brække mig igen.

<lyden af Sylvia der kaster op på gulvet igen>

Guide på sin opblæste facon: -Ok folks, så er det tid til at fortsætte
turen. Næste stop er hos de prostituerede og junkierne. Derefter
kigger vi indenfor på alderdomshjemmet og de hjemløses barak, og til
sidst slutter vi så dagen i folketinget. Kom så kører vi. Der er
ikke meget tid.

<Guidens stemme fader ud under den sidste del af hans opremsning>

Karl til Sylvia: -Kom skat, jeg har fået nok af det her. Den her
virkelighed er lidt for meget for mig. Lad os skride.

<Sylvia samtykker>

Lyden af tivoli og paradeband stiger i det fjerne. En udråber høres:

-Velkommen mine damer og herrer. Prøv vores fabelagtige tur.. Stig kun
på. Illusion-tours afgår om et kort øjeblik!!

Sylvia høres over de stigende uvæsen fra paraden der nærmer sig - håb
i stemmen:

-Se Karl, en illusionsparade. (hun begynder at juble som et barn) Se!
Dansende klovner og et hornorkester. Åh Karl, se ballonerne i alle
farver - og candyfloss!

<Sylvia er nu helt ekstatisk>

-Kom Karl, lad os slutte os til dem. jeg har fået nok af den her

<Karl sammentykker>

2020-08-25 14:47:37 UTC
Post by EXLEX
Det kan være, at den bliver klasket på ryggen af den nyfødte, når barnet
forlader moderens krop?
En åndelig "post-it"?
Det er ikke meget, der forgår i kødhjernen...
Tyv tror hver mand stjæler.

2020-08-27 00:22:57 UTC
Post by EXLEX
Tyv tror hver mand stjæler.
hahaha :) Lyt til liggnaveren. Skulle du ikke hellere holde kødkæften
lukket, og skride hjem til campingpladsen og fodre dine tilbagestående
børn med nogle lig?

Krishna siger:

De, der er skamløst tåbelige, de, der er lavest blandt mennesker, de,
hvis viden er blevet stjålet af illusion, og, de, der deltager
dæmonernes ateistiske natur, overgiver sig aldrig til Mig. (Bg. 7.15)