Are humans what's wrong with the planet?
(for gammel til at besvare)
2020-09-13 00:27:21 UTC
The short answer is a resounding yes.

Humans, due to their developed intelligence, and thus freedom of
choice, have the power to turn the world into paradise, or, as is the
case right now, turn the world into hell. Animals don’t have freedom
of choice, they are forced to act according to the dictations of
nature. Humans have more freedom to act according to their free will.
With this greater freedom of choice, comes also greater

Humans basically have the choice to act according to the laws of God,
which are clearly defined by Krishna in Bhagavad Gita, or they can
invent their own culture, making up their own rules as they go along.
God has given them that freedom.

If human society as a whole act according to the directions of God,
they can make heaven on earth, and if they act whimsically according
to their own set up, they will make hell on earth. It’s that simple.

Most people will say, they live nice lives in middle-class suburbia
with their own house, car and dog, how is that a hellish life? Those
same people should ask the cows and pigs in the meat-industry if they
like their lives, being fattened up for slaughter?

I just saw on the news - an alarming number of species are becoming
extinct every day. Especially insects are having their habitats
destroyed by chemicals and pesticides used massively by humans in
their cultivation of land for food-production. Bees, which are so
important for the proper balance of nature, are disappearing from the

So it is safe to say, that humans and their artificial life-style, are
the main problem of the world. In fact, they are the only problem.
They have created hellish conditions for nature and her inhabitants,
due to their modern, so-called global life-style.

Even now, as we speak, their suburban lives are being disrupted by
miseries inflicted on them by nature - gigantic fires, violent winds,
floods, and what have you - driving them away from their homes.

Krishna says:

He who discards scriptural injunctions and acts according to his own
whims attains neither perfection, nor happiness, nor the supreme
destination. --Bg 16.23

Srila Prabhupada explains:

As described before, the sastra-vidhi, or the direction of the sastra,
is given to the different castes and orders of human society. Everyone
is expected to follow these rules and regulations.

If one does not follow them and acts whimsically according to his
lust, greed and desire, then he never will be perfect in his life. In
other words, a man may theoretically know all these things, but if he
does not apply them in his own life, then he is to be known as the
lowest of mankind. In the human form of life, a living entity is
expected to be sane and to follow the regulations given for elevating
his life to the highest platform, but if he does not follow them, then
he degrades himself.

But even if he follows the rules and regulations and moral principles
and ultimately does not come to the stage of understanding the Supreme
Lord, then all his knowledge becomes spoiled. And even if he accepts
the existence of God, if he does not engage himself in the service of
the Lord his attempts are spoiled.

Therefore one should gradually raise himself to the platform of
Krishna consciousness and devotional service; it is then and there
that he can attain the highest perfectional stage, not otherwise.

The word kama-karatah is very significant. A person who knowingly
violates the rules acts in lust. He knows that this is forbidden, but
still he acts. This is called acting whimsically. He knows that this
should be done, but still he does not do it; therefore he is called

Such persons are destined to be condemned by the Supreme Lord. Such
persons cannot have the perfection which is meant for the human life.
The human life is especially meant for purifying one's existence, and
one who does not follow the rules and regulations cannot purify
himself, nor can he attain the real stage of happiness.
2020-09-13 08:52:39 UTC
Post by Jahnu
The short answer is a resounding yes.
Only the "believers"....
The rest is doing fine.

2020-09-13 23:28:35 UTC
Only the "believers" like me, who believe in eating cadavers....
The rest is doing fine.
When the soul attains the human life-form, after evolving its
consciousness through the 8,400,000 species, it arrives at a chance to
finally understand the Absolute Truth. If a soul neglects this unique
opportunity to connect with God, it’s a signal to nature that this
soul doesn’t need to be human.

Eating, sleeping, mating, and defending the soul can do in any
life-form, the human life is meant exclusively for one thing -
self-realization. If a human neglects that opportunity, the soul will
be thrown back into yet another cycle in the lower species.

So there are three species that act as gateways back down into the
lower species - dog, crow and turtle. This means that whenever we see
a dog, a crow, or a turtle, they were humans in their last life.

Similarly, there are also three species that act as gateways back into
the human life-forms - tiger, cow, and monkey. So every time we see a
tiger, a monkey or a cow, we should know that they will be humans in
their next birth.

"One attains the human form of life after transmigrating through
8,400,000 species by the process of gradual evolution. That human life
is spoiled for those conceited fools who do not take shelter of the
lotus feet of Govinda."

--Brahma-vaivarta Purana
